Hello there, I started a project whit a few people a couple a week ago and now i am seeking for the software and tool to make it. I got my basic skill in java programmation and i doing quite good but we are not a huge team and i don’t expect us to get more then 5 people so far, and mosley they are all part time people and some of them only have knowledge in limited field, like design or mapediting. We are motivate but still limited by a few variable.
This software (JMonkeyEngine) look quite good, but am not sure if it is the best for what i want. We are making a MMOrpg but not a fully 3D one, we want a turn based 2.5D game, meaning we want the character to be design in 3d, so it avoid the work of making them while they face in every direction but the environment could be 2D, like a huge painting or something like that. We want something looking a bit like dofus or wakfu.(for a visual Exemple)
So this come down to one question : Can jmonkeyEngine do that, fairly easely. Of course you can do anything you want if you go inside the code, deep deep deep but this is not what am asking. If this is not the good engine for this then very well, i’ll continue to seek.
Am already sure il use a object oriented database, i want to code in java and this is pretty much all i know so far about the tools. If you have any suggestion I will be happy to hear them and if you want to be part of the project, just contact me.
On a last note plz forgive my poor english, my native language is french