Modeling freeware

Hello guys,
I want your advise about freeware 3d modeling. So wich is easy to learn and free?


The majority of JME users use blender. There are tons of YouTube videos on the subject.

Iā€™m sure others will paste more links.

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I use a combination of lots of different programs. Blender is always involved. For characters and quite a few different objects I use Daz3d with zbrush. I also use substance painter for 3d PBR materials. Eventually everything is put together in blender and a gltf file is exported to be converted to a j3o.

for real easy character creation in GLTF 2.0 format you can use Mixamo & Blender:

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And you also have tons of free ready to use GLTF models in :

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Also Sketchfab allow to see all Textures used in model(visible on model), so its good for learning how people texture models to look awesome.