Monthly Gallery site

It’s a great idea and I definitely condone it, but my poor i3 laptop dies in a ball of fire. If I view this page in the morning with my samsung galaxy tab, I can defrost my car windshield from 4 inches away almost instantly.

But seriously, It’s very cool. It’s definitely a step in the right direction - showing the internet what jmonkey can do.


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Eheh :smile: too many hd images… we should do serverside resize or find a way to show less images on less powerful devices.

Perhaps generate a thumbnail for every image and display only the first frame of a gif (unless enlarged). I bet those tank the performance a lot.

Heh, this is why I originally suggested a basic “send monthly images to an imgur gallery” script. Then all optimization woes are imgur’s problem (and most likely they’re solved problems).

But not nearly as fun to make though :stuck_out_tongue:

p.s. I agree with @pspeed, I don’t mind the occasional meme mixed in!

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Similar with nexus 10. But you put it much more poetically… :smiley:

I made some improvements, and i disabled the blurred background for all mobile devices and for computers that seem they can’t afford it.
It should work a bit better now.

I’m also working on the code for the serverside scaling of big images that should solve the rest of performance issues.

And i made the layout more responsive, there is still room for improvement, though.