
Can anyone assist me with this issue i’m attempting to use this gameState i found in physics2 library  however i’m having issues I first ported most of the code over from it into a custom class however that was causing issues I then extended my custom class directly to it however i’m still having issues mainly i get errors if i move and the node falls to the ground rather slowly and suggestions was i suppose to lock and unlock something or… i’m unsure

I’m actually getting the same error messages I was getting before however now one comes up everytime I start instead of randomly

I don't think this one works. Try using the single-threaded physics GameState?

I wrote it as a test and though it somewhat worked at the time, this was a couple years ago and it didn't fully work then. :-p

darkfrog said:

I wrote it as a test and though it somewhat worked at the time, this was a couple years ago and it didn't fully work then. :-p

lol okay then i guess i have to find another way around my physics woes lol thx for the replies @ least

Check this out, it seems more stable than the gamestate implementation:

SomethingNew said:

Check this out, it seems more stable than the gamestate implementation:

wow thx for the linkage SN