Need help tracking down a crash (JME 3.0)

I’m not someone with enough knowledge to answer your question… but I see some things in the log that could help you.

  1. Looks like your user is running Windows 8 (not even 8.1) which went unsupported years ago (even without problems with your game, surely they need to update for security reasons?) Who knows if Microsoft is even pushing GPU driver updates to that old version? And from a quick google, it seems this could be a driver issue
  2. You are distributing your game with an ancient JRE built on Dec 18 2013:
    JRE (1.7.0_51-b13)
  3. As you state here, is this the game that is still on jMonkey 3.0 from years and years ago?

If there are other users reporting this issue that have up to date operating systems and gpu drivers, it might be helpful to include crash logs from those as well.