Nifty-gui editor

I open a new topic as suggested :slight_smile: . Here you can find all the news about my project and post your suggestions!. Today i swtiched to JmonkeyEngine but i encountered the same problem. As Slick2D library JME3 when you click on it steal focus and there’s no way to take it back to Swing . For this reason i can’t implemet some functions like move object in the nifty-view or select them by click . I’m stuck here … if there some clues be free to post them here ! .

Site :

Current version :
Current version jar :


The SDKs windows and swing widgets are already working with the mixed input systems, just saying :slight_smile:

Well , i solved the problem using the Java2dRender class :slight_smile: Now the last thing i’m going to do is to make a better id generation and try to make this ids unique. It’s bit hard but maybe in two weeks i could put the download jar online!! Check the site !! :slight_smile:

Hey, cool. If you care you could make the swing panels modular so that a SDK plugin can be derived from this. Similar to how the NeoTexture plugin works. :smiley:

They are already modular :slight_smile: . I was thinking … nifty-gui don’t need unique ids to work , but i need this for logic binding between gui rappresentation in Nifty-Gui and the rappresentation in Nifty-Editor . Is it a problem for users? …


Good news! Eitor is almost finished ! In the next days i will release a first beta version ! The last thing to do ti’s to make I/O operation always valid and if an error occurs show a right message to the user . So stay tuned !!


Sounds good, I don’t have much use for it as I am mostly using builders rather than XML now but still it sounds good. :slight_smile:

Yes, we can’t wait for the first release :slight_smile: Writing XML by hand is time consuming.

Hey guys!! GOOD NEWS!! First beta release of Nifty-Editor, try it!! Tell me your suggestions here or on the site please :slight_smile:

Download :

Hope you like it! Stay tuned for upcoming news about next version!

I tried it out quickly, the Swing GUI was acting kinda slow, like there was something doing a lot of stuff on the EventThread all the time. Maybe some threading issue. Otherwise it looked nice :slight_smile:

“Could not find the main class: jada.ngeditor.NiftyEditor. Program will exit.”

Keep getting this… using 7zip to unzip the .rar, and downloading it off of the site. I’ve tried it multiple times but still nothing has happened.

Looks really cool though!

@relucri i have an exception when i run the editor.

My PC: Linux 64 bit.


mifth@mifth-MS-7592:~/Desktop/123/gui/Nifty-Editor 0.5$ java -jar Nifty-Editor.jar

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: jada/ngeditor/NiftyEditor : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(





at Method)


at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(

at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(

Could not find the main class: jada.ngeditor.NiftyEditor. Program will exit.

@nomnom said:
"Could not find the main class: jada.ngeditor.NiftyEditor. Program will exit."

Keep getting this... using 7zip to unzip the .rar, and downloading it off of the site. I've tried it multiple times but still nothing has happened.

Looks really cool though!

@mifth said:
@relucri i have an exception when i run the editor.

My PC: Linux 64 bit.

mifth@mifth-MS-7592:~/Desktop/123/gui/Nifty-Editor 0.5$ java -jar Nifty-Editor.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: jada/ngeditor/NiftyEditor : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
Could not find the main class: jada.ngeditor.NiftyEditor. Program will exit.

What java version are you using?? try with 1.7 !
@relucri said:
What java version are you using?? try with 1.7 !

I have OpenJDK only:
mifth@mifth-MS-7592:~$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_24"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.11.4) (6b24-1.11.4-1ubuntu0.12.04.1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)

Could you try to install OpenJDK 7? it should work…! probally it’s because i have 1.7 version and Netbeans use that one …

I tried it out quickly, the Swing GUI was acting kinda slow, like there was something doing a lot of stuff on the EventThread all the time. Maybe some threading issue. Otherwise it looked nice

thanks for the feedback , in my pc i don't see that only a bit slow to start sometimes ... but i'll try to make Swing event handling lighter! :)
@relucri said:
thanks for the feedback , in my pc i don't see that only a bit slow to start sometimes ... but i'll try to make Swing event handling lighter! :)

I'm running Linux 64bit + nVidia if it matters. I saw that it printed a lot of things like fps:1000 or some such. That's why I speculated that maybe it was redrawing things 20 times faster than my display refresh :)

Well, the editor seems to be working fine here on Win7 x64.

The only problem is as @jmaasing mentioned, Core hogging while essentially idling. I did, quickly, added a couple of things here and there and that seemed to work the way it was supposed to but I noticed I couldn’t move a panel once it was put on a screen.

I also couldn’t edit the names on the left list, only by using the properties on the right. I personally prefer naming things that way and tweaking the other values in the properties window. Don’t ask me why, I don’t know. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not entirely sure but I think not all controls were present.

Oh, I almost forgot. It took a bit of a while before the first screen appeared. At first I though the whole thing was frozen…

Except for that it went fine. In all maybe the thing ran for a couple of minutes. I didn’t save the file or anything.

@jmaasing said:
I'm running Linux 64bit + nVidia if it matters. I saw that it printed a lot of things like fps:1000 or some such. That's why I speculated that maybe it was redrawing things 20 times faster than my display refresh :)

Yeah maybe i could lock fps to a lower value ! I'll try for next version.

it was supposed to but I noticed I couldn’t move a panel once it was put on a screen.

to move things once are put on a screen hold right click on an element and than start drag it. It should work!

I also couldn’t edit the names on the left list, only by using the properties on the right. I personally prefer naming things that way and tweaking the other values in the properties window

yeah it's a pleanned feature!

I’m not entirely sure but I think not all controls were present

Yes you're right , it's because adding all controls at once is boring so i will add them from time to time.

Oh, I almost forgot. It took a bit of a while before the first screen appeared. At first I though the whole thing was frozen…

Can you give me more information about this? It's when you first open the Nifty-Editor or when you add a screen on the GuiView?

Very thanks for feedback!

I tested it and it’s good so far.

Though, maybe i’m the only one, but I’ve been quite frustrated to not being able to see the generated code :stuck_out_tongue: