I’m using 3DSMax with OgreMax to export the mesh.
I’ve bought a simple 3D model for my sketch.
And I try to export it into a OgreXML mesh so that I can use it in my program.
After many attempt, I can successfully export it in OgreXML format ( with correct textures, bone animation etc… )
But there is something I still don’t understand :
Why the mesh is not centered in the middle of the screen when displayed in JMonkeyPlatform ?
Inside 3DSMax :
Inside JMonkeyPlatform : ( When I watch it with OgremaxWinViewer, the mesh is correctly displayed in the center )
Result : ( The model should be inside the green cylinder )
I am not a graphist and I learned how to manage 3D model by myself, so there may be some things that would appear obvious to you that I didn’t think about
I can add the mesh XML file if necessary
Thanks in advance
Hm, strange It should be like you expect it to be… In blender, when it looks like your screen the model gets exported with the middle at the waist… However… I see a little dot between the feet of the model and it seems like the 3ds exporter uses that as the center… Whatever that dot is, move it up ^^
Hmmm, I tried to move it, but it seems that this point is linked to the skeleton of my object.
I can’t get it to move.
Make sure to apply transforms on the model (in 3dsmax)
That may be what I missed ! Since I don’t understand what you mean by ‘Apply Transform’.
Is that a command in one of the OgreMax / 3DSMax menu ?
For now, when I export my 3D Model, I just make sur the textures are in the correct format ( OgreMax material ) and that the skeleton is correctly linked to my model.
I just verified that the problem doesn’t come from the j3o conversion :
Here is what I have in the Ogre viewer in 3DSMax :
But I really don’t understand why :’(
I am sorry but I don’t really have 3DSMax, it is too expensive for me. Try looking in the manual for that option, might also be something like “apply transform to mesh”
No worries.
Now that I know that the problems does come from the conversion in .j3o in will try to go to OgreMax forums.