Oracle gave it the big FU, now what?

That article is 2 years old. Seriously, Netbeans is still alive and kickin’


Its not the age of the article, its the content, It describes perfectly what’s about to happen to NetBeans.

Oracle just now dumped Netbeans onto Apache. Its just a matter of time now, the death spiral has just begun.

Probably why there was never a JME plugin. I read the requirements for a plugin for netbeans and it looked to me like the big obstacle was the type of changes that needed to be made to the NetBeans app were not allowed by oracle.

I imagine its like that with eclipse to.

Before this thread derails into a complete chaos, everyone is deinstalling netbeans, burning oracle flags and switching to jMB:

  1. The following is my opinion. None of us can look into the future, but
  2. No matter what happens, changes won’t affect you in the next two years at all.
  3. If they would affect anyone, there is no need to update netbeans atm. Changes with Java 9 aren’t that important to us (the one with the different module versions or what). You can still ship a Java 9 Game with an IDE from the 90s.

Oracle did not give Netbeans the Fuck you, nor are Eclipse or especially IntelliJ a viable replacement (they aren’t meant to build your ecosystem around them).

Oracle donated the project to the Apache Software Foundation.
To the end user this means nothing at the moment, Netbeans is still Netbeans, just the owner changed.
Actually my opinion is that Netbeans will benefit from that because Apache has a better infrastructure and this change might draw new developers on board.

For instance:

  • Apache will now mirror netbeans on github (GitHub - apache/netbeans: Apache NetBeans)
  • In general, everything is now git instead of subversion → Things get more modern
  • The driving force of Netbeans is still working for it at Apache, so negative changes are very unlikely.

That’s your opinion. Mine is that code-wise it was pretty much dead already, so things can only get better. Maybe Apache puts money (devs) into the project.

Again, your opinion. Personally I only know that people are complaining about oracle raping software. Just dropping openOffice here. Does the general population bother with Apache 2? Does it bother with Maven? Even the glorious jMB uses Maven Repositories underneath, so it cooperates with the devil. Time to grab the forks (no, not in terms of software).

Now let’s assume the worst case:
The SDK will stay at the same netbeans version it uses since 3.1-alpha1, was that a problem to anyone?
I will continue to keep the SDK up and running for my purposes no matter what happens.
If Netbeans was dead, we’d just not use Java 9 IDE features (you can still build your project as you wish), so the SDK will stay for a long time there.

But looking at that page actually just strenghtens my impression that they give Netbeans a push.
Feel free to report the issue you have with Netbeans / the SDK to use.

That’s because they are currently in the Beta Phase of Netbeans 9 + The Migration also takes time. IntelliCrap also only has a ppa on Ubuntu (which is maintained by someone else)

That’s because it’s in the incubator phase currently.

And if you’d read articles to the end you’d even see:

Gosling, in a Facebook post, agreed. “NetBeans is moving to Apache! Oracle has decided to open up NetBeans even more, so that folks like me can more easily contribute to our favorite IDE. The finest IDE in existence will be getting even better, faster!”
It’s a nice thought, but the community is small and getting smaller still. Still, unlike OpenOffice, NetBeans does has significant programmers who want to improve it, so perhaps NetBeans may yet reinvent itself. I’m just not betting on it.

I wasn’t involved in the creation process of SPIX, but if I got that right, part of it is also to just have shareable AWT / Swing Panels (and even if not, simple Wizards are something done in seconds).
Integrating a whole editor is bullshit. Sure, you can also run Netbeans inside of IntelliJ but where’s the tight integration with that.

Anyway, young monkeys close your ears and eyes, I have to rant:
The SDK fucking isn’t dead. Just because you don’t like it because it’s not hipsterish enough because it doesn’t look like a web framework diarrheu thrown together by drunken cats lying on the keyboard shouldn’t make you call it dead all the fucking time.
It’s simply annoying to read in every fucking thread. “Don’t mess with the SDK, I don’t like it, so you must not use it either”. “Use XYZ it’s muach better, because it has less features” “Use Eclipse, because I don’t like Chrome”. There are even comments in SDK troubleshooting threads, where the (unasked) proposed solution is: USE SUPERIOR SOVIET EDITOR (SS), IT'S MUAAAACHH BETTER. And people then actually think this is the official and correct advice. No. that’s just rude advertisement.

IntelliJ isn’t a real advantage over the SDK, it can’t even auto-generate a logger field for you, this double shift bullshit is annoying etc.
So everyone shall use what he/she/it/ desires, but keep your bad advice for yourself and don’t frighten new users just because you feel like jMB should be the offical supported tool or w/e.

If we’d start today with the development of the SDK, an abstraction layer might be a thing yes, but only because nowadays people have become picky about their IDE. Really, personally I’ve worked with more than a dozen of IDEs and they mostly serve the purpose (typing code into a textarea). Not sure why it makes people so emotional what color their text window is. Embarassing.
I don’t even understand the need for an IDE independent editor, because you could still use the SDK to edit your scenes and code with IntelliJ in the meantime. but if people care about the diskspace a browser takes, then sure, using intelliJ + jMB is much smaller in diskspace.

Anyway, for those being concerned about the SDK: No need to be concerned. Currently the SDK is constantly improving and you can’t look into the future anyway. If you really have a valid reason not to use the SDK (And no, READING IT ON THE INTERNET DOES NOT COUNT), use Superior Soviet Editor along with hipsterJ Community Edition, but keep your fucking opinion for yourself.

Hint: Not all of this is addressed to the OP/this thread in general, but I’ve watched all of this for more than a year now and it’s time for a tactical linus:

Now to explain why I ranted publicly, a google translate quote from Linus (which also does this regularly):

For Torvalds, history once again reveals the power of brutal honesty: "On the internet, nobody notices when you say something subtly, I like being a bit harsh and expressing my opinion when it helps to point out a problem and to empower people bring, finally talk about it.

Quote from: Die Welt des Linus Torvalds | heise online
(One of the points I made is something everyone on this forum is annoyed about but never mentioned publicly).


You do realize that web page you posted is nothing more than a front page to

I love NetBeans but why not explore delivering the same functionality of the SDK in a different way?

You will be the one most affected by this very shortly I assume. The Apache way may not equal the Oracle way. One was paid to do it, the other will rely on contributors. Everything you know today about NetBeans may not make a difference in a very short period of time.

Wow :slight_smile:

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A plugin like @javasabr JMB is something worth exploring for the future I would think.

If it was able to be used with Eclipse, intellij, netBeans, editor of choice, etc… one click away from install, but that stuff is out of my league.

Do you think oracle will any longer bundle NetBeans with the SDK? Its up to Apache now. I suspect that Java may go on the selling block soon also. Java scares the hell out of a lot of people now and that cant be good for the bottom line.

No offense, but I’m chuckling at the irony in this thread.

“I don’t want to use an IDE because they don’t support the browser I like but you should totally switch off of the IDE that is your favorite because reasons.”



I know, now its only 3% of the market, down from 91%. Kinda whats going on with NetBeans…

Yeah, except IE is integrated into every copy of Windows… and still no one uses it.

All modern browsers suck… but so do all modern IDEs.

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I have no problems with it other than the occasional site like intellij. Any problem I ever experienced browsing went away after I installed Addblocker.

Still, Im not dissing the SDK, just saying the writings probably on the wall for NetBeans. I will give it some time, at least until they roll out the install part, to get an idea where they’re going with it.

I’m not an official member of jME team, so any my advice can’t be official advice :slight_smile:

really? :slight_smile: you can use ‘live templates’ to do it if you want :wink:

Is it a Western democracy? :grin:
But I’m not against the SDK of course, I just try to provide an alternative option.


Yes indeed it is!!!

True it is in the Apache “incubation phase” and will take a bit longer than normal BECAUSE looking at the Apache/Netbeans “incubation” page, whom are dependant on NetBeans???

Boeing, Airbus, NASA, NATO, just to name a FEW…

BTW: I was just looking at the above link 10 days ago and it was sloppy, now its spruced up.

Anyway my point (not on my head :wink: ) is that we are a great community but pale in comparison to the above mentioned and they will NOT drop, relearn, retrain their workforces to a new IDE, it just costs too much so I would quite imagine that when I said it might take longer in the “incubation” I feel now the opposite.

IMO NetBeans is the best out there and I’m glad Oracle (who really blackened the SUN) have put all their weight behind getting the adoption going…

So considering that we are just now talking about “gosh the netbeans boat is sinking” (which its not) think how much ahead Boeing, Airbus, NASA & NATO had in advance planning and they are sticking with it as should ourselves…IMHO…

Well, I wasn’t asked “A penny for your thoughts” but did give “my 2 cents worth” :wink:


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PS: Try adding “No-script” as in a selectable JavaScript block/allow as a plugin…
I’ve been using it on Firefox for 2+ years and its awesome!!!

Some sites have 50+ external scripts with “cross scripting” and “No-Script” shows you and allows you to temp allow then revoke…my browsing is mucho faster plus much safer with out the junky scripts especially the Goofle ones for tracking everyone…Just an FYI…it sure works for me.

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Chill guys…
To me… separating the assets editor from the code editor is the way to go to avoid this kind of sterile discussion. There will ALWAYS be IDEs war among developers, whatever you do, especially because it just boils down to a matter of taste… eclipse, netbeans, intellij, pretty much the same to me in the end.

I’m not sure why everybody is asking for an “official” solution, while you have several working ones… Just pick the one you like the most… period.



Yeah and then proceed to whitelist every site you actually want to use. Webpages are built on JS these days and removing it just breaks them completely. As “selectable” as it claims to be, out of the box it really isn’t from my experience. What that plugin needs is a time machine back to the 2000s.

Democracy is non negotiable :stuck_out_tongue:

:rofl: I died.


Personally, I am more about the separation. As many already said, the IDEs come and go, whereas the engine must overcome them, so wouldn’t it be better to invest the efforts on doing IDEs’ agnostic tools? (honestly, I wanted to start an “editor” just when jmb appeared, and I think it is doing a much better work I would have done).
Currently, my way to go is with an IDE + gradle + jmb + many other tools found on the forum. The point is, the engine shouldn’t have an official “IDE” (It is enough to have great gradle building scripts), and it doesn’t worth to try to make an IDE substitute, just focusing the efforts on “fully owned” tools.
There is a lot of work invested on the current SDK, but I think that it isn’t the best choice to continue with it. “Basing the engine” on it and encouraging people to use it was a good try, but I don’t agree with it being the best to continue with. The problem isn’t that it is based on Netbeans, the problem is that it is an IDE, meant for programmers, and a video-game also involves other roles, which are not confortable with a programmer tool at all. Well, I’ll go farther and say that even with visual-negated people as myself, it feels clunky to use an IDE for visual treatment.

I’ve seen quite some conflict between @javasabr and many good contributors, and I fully understand that is sometimes annoying to have someone recommending his tool all the time (mainly, when it compete with your work) but I’ve seen others promoting their tools too (as an example, we have @pspeed with Lemur vs Nifty. The difference?, nifty’s author is no more here to complain). But, where I want to go with this, is that I’ve never seen any bad intention from him (well, sometimes a bit stubborn) and that the tool he is doing is the kind of tool the engine needs, a tool that is suitable for it purpose and that purpose isn’t the game programming itself but the additional work required.

As owners of our live, we can spend our efforts where we want, but, if we want others to use what we do, we must sacrifice our ego and try to please the common likes.


All we REALLY need is a GUI that has a big button with a “MAKE A MMORPG” written on it.
On capital letters of course.


yeah, it was the main reason for me :wink: my artist didn’t like to work with any IDEs :smiley: