Passing Time to a Shader

Hey all,

I feel a bit silly, but I’m having a hell of a time trying to figure out how to do this properly: pass a time float variable to my fragment shader.

I first tried doing a simple:

[java]material.setFloat(“Time”, timeValue);[/java]

… but this really destroys performance as it seems to create a new shader memory object every time this is called.

I then tried doing this:

[java]timeScale += time_per_frame;

Uniform timeval = simpleShader.getUniform(“g_Time”);

timeval.setValue(VarType.Float, timeScale);[/java]

… but it just doesn’t seem to work (the g_Time uniform just stays 0, even though when stepping through debugging, timeScale is != 0).

I have “uniform float g_Time;” defined at the top of my .frag and .vert. Any suggestions? :frowning:


  • Phr00t

Have you added ‘Time’ to the WorldParameters?

For example this j3md

[java]MaterialDef My MaterialDef {

MaterialParameters {

Color Color1

Color Color2

Float Radius

Float Multi


Technique {

VertexShader GLSL150: Shaders/CloudShader/cloudShader.vert

FragmentShader GLSL150: Shaders/CloudShader/cloudShader.frag

WorldParameters {






let’s me use such .frag code nicely


uniform float g_Time;


float nv1= (snoise(vec4(*m_Multi/100,g_Time/10)- 0.5));



With this there is no need to update the time variable.


In your j3md definition file put time in there like this:


Technique {

VertexShader GLSL130: CustomShader/Stars/sun.vert

FragmentShader GLSL130: CustomShader/Stars/sun.frag

WorldParameters {




Time // <-- here it is


Defines {

BASIC : Basic




In your frag/vert make sure the definition is present. (uniform float g_Time;)

That’s it. Time will be given to your shader.


Gah. Ninja’d!

Woah… I hit refresh, and 4 replies including the perfect answer? Sweeeeet! Thanks! :slight_smile:

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