There’s a bug in Steep Parallax Mapping of the Lighting shader. At low angles, the mapping looks deformed (see video).
The problem is, that steepParallaxOffset() needs vViewDir unnormalized. After applying the patch below, it looks like this:
I found this bug while trying to implement "Dynamic Parallax Occlusion Mapping with Approximate Soft Shadows". It's not yet done, but here's a first preview:
Btw, is there an easy way to get the compiled assembler output of a jme shader (without adjusting the shader to RenderMonkey or the like)?
Warning: The backslash before "No newline at end of file" has been swallowed by WordPress. Press "quote" to see it. No idea if these lines are needed anyway.
Index: Lighting.vert
--- Lighting.vert Base (BASE)
+++ Lighting.vert Locally Modified (Based On LOCAL)
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
mat3 tbnMat = mat3(wvTangent, wvBinormal * -inTangent.w,wvNormal);
//vPosition = wvPosition * tbnMat;
- vViewDir = viewDir * tbnMat;
No newline at end of file
+ vViewDir = -wvPosition * tbnMat;
No newline at end of file
lightComputeDir(wvPosition, lightColor, wvLightPos, vLightDir); = ( * tbnMat).xyz;
#elif !defined(VERTEX_LIGHTING)
Index: Lighting.frag
--- Lighting.frag Base (BASE)
+++ Lighting.frag Locally Modified (Based On LOCAL)
@@ -249,8 +249,9 @@
vec4 lightDir = vLightDir; = normalize(;
+ vec3 viewDir = normalize(vViewDir);
- vec2 light = computeLighting(normal,, * spotFallOff;
+ vec2 light = computeLighting(normal, viewDir, * spotFallOff;
diffuseColor.rgb *= texture2D(m_ColorRamp, vec2(light.x, 0.0)).rgb;
specularColor.rgb *= texture2D(m_ColorRamp, vec2(light.y, 0.0)).rgb;