Problem with my render, Texture not looking right but looks perfect in 3D view with textured solid e

Hey I’ve made a poker table and I UV unwrapped it and with Textured solid enabled and GLSL selected I can view the table correctly with the textures on it but when I render the image I get this:

I have the material setup and the texture is using my diffuse map (which looks correct in textured solid mode) and it is UV mapped. The green on the top is not ment to be checkered or lined like it is in the picture it is just ment to be plain green and in the outer part after the green is a marble looking texture and then black leather for the very outer parts. They all appear in edit mode and object mode but the render is just messing up.

Any ideas? Thanks.

Looks like some of your normals are flipped. Theres a function in blender to “check normals point outside” or something like that.

Thanks for the reply. Yeah I have turned that on to see the normals and they were all messed up and I recalculated them and they are all pointing the correct way now but still no difference in the render.

I think I’m just going to model the table again and keep rendering it after every little bit I do so I can tell where it gets messed up if it messes up this time.

to be sure, do you make:

edit mode → select all(ctrl-a) → Mesh → normals → recalculate outside.

not flip?

and BTW: if you used(applied) Screw modifier, then it have that problems, you need to read blender tutorials how to make it without such effect.

got no other ideas, it should work after recalculate properly.

could you make screen in blender with enabled normal debug?

I tried that and still the same. It’s crazy how it’s using the checkered/square text grid image as the texture image when I’m telling it to use my diffuse one which works and looks perfect outside the render.

What do you mean could I make screen with enabled normal debug?

What do you mean could I make screen with enabled normal debug?

i mean in Edit Mode -> N key -> Mesh Display -> Normals: Face set to on.

I tried that and still the same. It’s crazy how it’s using the checkered/square text grid image as the texture image when I’m telling it to use my diffuse one which works and looks perfect outside the render.

blender have many views, one is based in UV editor image, second is based on material(texture based).
Ogre export material based one.

how to see material based one?
-Viewport shading: Texture
-Object Mode -> N key -> Display -> Shading: Multitexture, texture solid: on
-remember about "Face Textures" boolean in Material

or just render

but you propably know that all, so propably only somehow normals are your problem.

You mean render in Blender right? that’s not in JME?

Blender does not render GLSL it render multitextures, set your 3D view to multitexture, fix it, then it should render fine.

You probably have a checker texture in the uv image editor view just delete it.

Yeah in Blender. Why does Blender have a GLSL option if it does’nt support it?

I changed it to multitexture and still the exact same problem.

Sometimes when I try and delete images it does not work they just stay there. Maybe it’s because I use Blender 2.62 and it has some bugs in the software but I have to use that version because the exporter does not seem to work with my newest Blender.

@metallicalive said:
Yeah in Blender. Why does Blender have a GLSL option if it does'nt support it?

GLSL is used for the real-time renderer in the 3D view....not for the full featured renderer because it would make no sense...

Look, I don't want to sound mean, but this is not a Blender support forum.
You would have better answers on the Blender artists forum