[Proposal] Making JME more artist friendly

I think a generic “model sanitizer” script for blender would make more sense. But the guy who said he could do such a thing bailed :confused:

I have not bailed. I am just really busy with life :\

That said - I would welcome .FBX support

Huh? I didn’t mean you ^^

Yes, with XBuf, I hope to provide an alternative path to create 3D asset for game engine like jME.

But, I spend not enough time on it lately. If you want to help, try it and share your feedback via issue on github or on the forum : xbuf-format-a-developper-friendly-game-exchange-format-for-3d-data

I copy a quick (old) video, for the impatient :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Having user is very good motivation (at least for myself)


Some googling around showed a Java library, Liquidizer, which got posted to these boards a while back. It reads Blender files directly. What that help?

Link to Liquidiser post.

Is this not working 100%? What could some folks here do to get it working better, if you happen to know?

XBuf really starts to look like an interesting alternative I must say.
Especially with the ogre exporter dying below us, it might be a good choice.

And while I really respect Kaelthas for all the work put into the blender importer, I fear the required amount of work for that approach is not really feasibile.

One question to the xbuf blender side, is it written in python?

Here is the main reason, why I see little future in a pure .blend importer.

“When Blender loads a blend-file, the DNA-structures are read first. Blender creates a catalog of these DNA-structures. Blender uses this catalog together with the data in the file, the internal Blender structures of the Blender release you’re using and a lot of transformation and translation logic to implement the backward and upward compatibility. In the source code of blender there is actually logic which can transform and translate every structure used by a Blender release to the one of the release you’re using [ref: http://download.blender.org/source/blender-2.48a.tar.gz /blender-2.48a/source/blender/blenloader/intern/readfile.c lines 4946-7960]. The more difference between releases the more logic is executed.” (http://archive.blender.org/development/architecture/blender-file-format/index.html)

This means that all those ugly stuff they do on loading must be replicated by us, with a far smaller team and less hours to spend. Choosing a file format that is way less agile is probably usefull, be it xbuf, collada or fbx.

Yeah, for the record, this is what I meant when I said that a blender importer has to rewrite a lot of blender. I’ve seen kaelthas have to write a ridiculous amount of code just to get simple things into a JME-friendly way.

Well, I think reading the blender data is only 10% of the problem. Then that data has to be converted into something JME can use and that requires rewriting a lot of what Blender does just to interpret the data.

Hi, I’m fairly new, so I’ll just throw this out there:

Has anyone checked on Open Asset Import Library recently? I’ve been considering it for use with another project, (Open Source java 3d modeling/rendering package.)

They have a wide range of formats, Including .blend, collada, and OpenGEX that they are supposed to import into a standard structure/API with support for just about everything, it seems, including animations. Since the last time the package was brought up here, their Java API has progressed to the point that you can do imports, though export & in-memory manipulation are not yet supported. That last might be less important to JME than for my other purposes.

BSD3 license, still in active development.

If there are really obvious reasons that this will not work, please don’t squash me… :wink:

They’re on sourceforge…that’s a show stopper ;). And “AssImp” seriously? What kind of name is that? :stuck_out_tongue:
We considered assimp numerous time, but never made the step. I guess nobody had time to look into it. Could be a good solution too.

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OK ok, I’gonna take all this stuff on holidays and test xbuf. Promise.

Yes (my first blender addon) : GitHub - xbuf/blender_io_xbuf: Delegate rendering to an external render engine (eg provided by game engine)

Did you guys ever consider to make an collada exporter ?
I wrote one collada importer once a long time a go, I found it to be easy and portable…

Well, Their website is still on sourceforge for the moment. The actual code repo has been moved to github

Can’t say I disagree about the comment on SF, though. Given the current SF outage, I’m thinking about trying to talk the manger of my other project into moving…

kind of unrelated to the original topic but read this about source forge What happened to Sourceforge? · etix's weblog

Yeah, knew about the issues with Source Forge’s new management. I figure it’s download once by the JME team and then we put it in the JME repository and no one has to touch the sf.net site again.

I like assimp too, despite the funny name. It seems very full featured and popular, lots of support. And it appears to have some features beyond just reading files that might off-load some work for the core JME team.


ASSBIN (Assimp custom format)

In french this would be translated as “poubelle de culs”
They sure had a great time picking names, there is no way this isn’t on purpose :smile:


I must apologize for the derailement of this post.
@OP I’m sorry.

I think you saying games made in unreal and unity is a crazy statement because there are a lot of great games made with both engines this is why they are the go to engines for indie and triple AAA developers alike.
Unreal games come in a wide variety of games from cinematic platformers like Abe’s odyssey to action adventure games like the Batman: Arkham series to First Person Shooters like the Borderlands series

there are a lot of unity games prob more come out for unity per year than any other engine on the market Unity’s biggest strength are it is extremely easy to get a things running and loads of tutorials on any game imaginable also Mecanim makes animating universal among rigs. The bad thing about Unity is you do not have access to the source code you have to do everything exactly how unity wants it done so in order to have the best possible performance you may have to cut things from your game.

If JME developers got paid for working on JME, I suspect a whole bunch of things would improve.