Quaternion.lookAt buggy?

I am trying already for a whole day to place my cylinder shape to some location and point it to another location. So far I was unsuccessful. :frowning:

I am most surprised to see that Quaternion method, lookAt() doesn’t do what it is supposed to do. It fails to point to my target location. Is this maybe a bug? Or do I misunderstand what is it supposed to do?

Also, is there any other way to make this work?


It takes a direction, not a location. Spatial.lookAt() takes a location

A pretty picture.

So… huh… how exactly am I (or anyone) supposed to help you?

It could be good if I were able to say “there a bug here” or “you’re doing it wrong”, but there’s nothing else except a pretty picture…

@InShadow said:
I am most surprised to see that Quaternion method, lookAt() doesn't do what it is supposed to do. It fails to point to my target location.

@Momoko_Fan said:
It takes a direction, not a location. Spatial.lookAt() takes a location

I may add, "as stated in the javadoc" :roll:

Well, thanks for quick replies. :slight_smile:

I see now my mistake, sorry to bother you. At least I hope you enjoyed the screeny. :smiley: