Requested features list

Just wanted to know if there is a list of planned/requested features somewhere?

The reason I am asking is, that sometimes I ran into a situation where I needed some
functionality (like splitting animations, or scaling, skeleton normalization, animation
transfer, gui stuff, …). And then I needed ot decide if I would make some ant-task
for it, or do it “in-game” or implement something into the JME, …

But if I would know that this little feature is:

  • already planned or in development, I could get in touch with the corresponding dev and maybe support
  • not planned, but already requested, I would decide to make the feature into JME core more often
  • not planned, then I can at least discuss it

Just asking - currently I often take the short route and do it with a little ant task instead
of implementing it into JME because I do not have the time to ask in the forum first and
take the extra effort just for me.

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None of those are on the list yet, and most likely won’t be attended to soon. The best way to get something into jme is to start implementing it, keep posting about your progress on the forums, and people will help out and it could make it into a plugin or feature of core.
You have already taken the correct first step and posted it here =)

Yeah, post first on the forums and get feedback before working on anything is your best bet.

I will;) But sometimes it takes more time to describe what I plan to do than actually doing it xD

@TsrKanal said: I will;) But sometimes it takes more time to describe what I plan to do than actually doing it xD

Code is the “bestest” language you can use to explain code :wink:

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