How is Rotation Counted in JME? I Mean in What Unit?
say If the cam.getDirection()
is a Vector3f(0, 1, 0)
, How Much is it rotated?
Does 1=90d
, 180d
, 360d
? Or is it in radians?
Or some other Unit? - then how much is 360?
Thank you.
try to check the wiki and explaination for (JME) math and rotation.
Rotation: ← your questions is answered there with explaination and examples. So I dont try to redo it with own words here.
And Math in general
A vector is a vector. So its not rotated. (Rotated towards what) its “coming” from a origion (cam position) and from there it shows to (0,1,0).
oh Alright!
Anyway, the direct answer (Nothing wrong with @Aufricer 's answer) to my question is that Quaternions (Not Vector3fs) Use radians.
Quaternions are 4 values things that are not understandable until you do its math.
Dont even try understand Quaternion values, you can only understand Vector3f values.
you have something like “FastMath.DEG_TO_RAD”
Here is example for single axis(you can also use vector for 3 axis):
new Quaternion().fromAngleAxis(rotation*FastMath.DEG_TO_RAD, Vector3f.UNIT_Y);
Yeah, Quaternions in their simplest form are objects that create algorithms to perform rotation actions, starting from an axis (represented by a vector) and adding on to that axis using an angle.
EDIT, you can use this platform too for visualizing things :
Some general conventions used in JME3:
- angles are in radians
- +Y points upward
- +Z points forward (but note that the default camera is initially pointed in the -Z direction)
- coordinate systems are right-handed (+X cross +Y = +Z)
- rotation quaternions and direction vectors are normalized (no units)
- the ordering of vector/quaternion components is (X, Y, Z, W)
Thanks again!