I use Open Broadcaster Software, which is capable of recording at screen resolution. For reasons unknown, I had configuration difficulties last night and in the process unwittingly configured the software to downsample 1.75x. Should I re-record the video?
No that’s really not necessary.Just keep it in mind for your next demo,perhaps on physics?
Nevertheless thanks for your good will.I will provide more feedback about Maud in the next few days.
Hey it works I don’t really have a use for this at the moment, but definitelly cool.
Nothing in regards of bugs to report really, except that the launcher isn’t set to remember settings. The file selector is pretty awesome.
I have “remember settings … from the previous invocation” on the wish list. I suppose these should be stored in the user’s home directory. A “.maudrc” file? I’m open to ideas on how to implement this.
Thanks for giving Maud a try, and for the kind words about the file selector.
I’ve created an open-source library for animation editing and retargeting. I copied over a bunch of the relevant code from Maud. I named the library “Wes”. A baseline release is available from GitHub and BinTray:
Release Wes library v0.2.1 · stephengold/jme3-utilities · GitHub
Package Wes - stephengold
The documentation leaves something to be desired. For instance, there’s no demo app or sample code yet (other than Maud itself).
However, if you’re gung-ho to do animation retargeting at runtime, take a look. A good starting point might be jme3utilities.wes.TrackEdit#retargetAnimation().
Holy cow! That’s some top notch support right there. Thanks!
Wow! Thanks a lot, this will be really useful.
@8Keep123 and @themiddleman: you’re both very welcome.
And from a software evolution perspective, decoupling that code from Maud proved to be a good idea.
Btw, if there’s any substantive discussion of Wes, we should start a new forum topic. I’d like to keep this thread focused on Maud.
Another status update:
I made some progress on physics support before getting distracted by other features, such as support for web assets, spatial animations, and ignoreTransform geometries. Spatial animation was featured in the video clip I posted on the 15th:
BoxAnimated - Sept. 15, 2017 - YouTube
Another new feature is the ability to create animations by “mixing” tracks from multiple animations (or even from multiple anim controls). So you can mix the head motion of one animation with the leg motion of another.
I plan to release a new version of Maud, with updated documentation, in a week or so. Unless I hear specific requests, there won’t be any in-depth demo videos for this release.
I’m looking for more alpha testers, and I remain interested in constructive feedback, such as:
- issues you encounter while building Maud
- places where the documentation is incorrect, misleading, incomplete, or unclear
- bugs you encounter while using Maud, especially reproducible ones
- suggestions on making Maud easier to use or more intuitive
- features you want added (see the Wishlist section of the documentation for my thoughts)
I’ll be on vacation 6-13 October, so expect little or no Maud activity during that week.
The ALPHA+3 release is now available for download from GitHub:
Release 3rd release for alpha testing (ALPHA+3) · stephengold/Maud · GitHub
In addition to the new features I mentioned last week. ALPHA+3 remembers certain app settings (such as full-screen mode) from the previous invocation. This is implemented using the ‘preferencesKey’ mechanism built into JME.
Another new feature is the startup script. To customize it, select the “Settings → Update startup script” menu option. Currently it’s used mainly to remember asset locations. Soon it’ll provide other persistent customizations for Maud.
The ALPHA+4 release is now available for download from GitHub:
Not much progress on physics support, but I did add support for attachments nodes and merging models.
- when saving a map or model would overwrite a file, there’s now a confirmation dialog
- updating the startup script records the display positions of all selected tools plus some global options
- the Spatial Rotation tool now has “snap” buttons
- there’s now a tool to configure display settings (changes take effect the next time the application is launched)
Hi @sgold
Adam aka @Safari here and MANY thanks to helping me with my question;
Seems you have done what I am also trying and would love to help you back as in being an Alpha Tester!!!
Got the code @Github (OK its downloading as I write this) and will answer my (Gosh I’m over working myself, for my) “How did you get yDegrees” is IN THE CODE…Double DUH on my part with a Triple Thanks on yours!!!
Actually mine started as a “level editor”, “stage builder”, you know, the thing we all make for our end simulation so what I have I will certainly share back with you, and DEFINITELY respect your copyright.
Looking at the code now!
Again many thanks,
I love your obvious excitement and am happy to have you as a tester.
Maud is fairly complex software project. The code itself is adequately documented, i think, but unless you’ve already worked on a similar project, the high-level design may be difficult to grok. Give yourself plenty of time.
I welcome any questions you have.
Many thanks!!!
Yes I “Grok” that!!!
And yeppers, I am excited, WOW, just didn’t know it came out that effusively.
Done many complex projects (HW&SW, started, worked on or consulted) over 35+ years and always find the uniqueness is the “pearl” of the creator…So off to fix my y Degrees aka FOV problem, (just pushing 5 months of milestones into 5 days, its always easier to work for someone else for they can be rough but oneself can be the roughest at times)
Again MANY thanks for the insight!!!
And Mrs. Findlay, expect me for dinner
With Adam’s advice and encouragement, I’ve recently made enhancements to Maud:
- indicate camera modes in the status bar
- faster shadow rendering
- save more options to the startup script
- press the NUM-0 key to toggle the scene-view camera’s movement mode
- the platform casts shadows now
- press the “H” key to toggle visibility of the menu bar and the status bar
- a new placement policy for submenus
- ensure that score-view labels are readable at startup
- more conventional release ids
These enhancements are included in the 1.0.0-alpha.5 release, now available for download from GitHub:
Release 5th release for alpha testing (1.0.0-alpha.5) · stephengold/Maud · GitHub
Other new features since the ALPHA+4 release:
- a Light tool, and axis dragging to translate/rotate lights
- more shadow rendering options
- the capability to import glTF models, from both “.gltf” and “.glb” files
- new tools for materials and material-parameter overrides
- support for vector-valued user data
- a new option to load models in the Z-up orientation
- new options to scale one axis, or all 3 axes, by dragging with the mouse
- press the “L” key to launch a test projectile
- a new option to translate on an axis by dragging with the mouse
- a new option for solid axis arrows
Please check it out. Let me know what you think!
Tonight I uploaded an 8-minute video tutorial about pick-and-drag editing in Maud:
Maud update - Jan. 14, 2018 - YouTube
hahah Animation DJ
The curve view is really nice. Did you make it with nifty too?
No. It’s made with custom meshes in a parallel projection viewport.
I just moved the Wes library to its own repository at GitHub:
GitHub - stephengold/Wes: An animation editing and retargeting library for jMonkeyEngine (code has New BSD license)
I recently released a new version of the Maud editor for alpha testing: 1.0.0-alpha6
It’s available for download from GitHub:
Release 6th release for alpha testing (1.0.0-alpha.6) · stephengold/Maud · GitHub
Please try it and let me know what you think!