The new version is working great so far, I did some animation editing and I notice that its even easier now with the improvements you added to the keyframe editor.
I only ran into one bug - I found that the Mesh and Spatial tool caused Maud to crash when I pressed the"select" → “by name” button to select a child geometry/spatial. I noticed that it only occurs on some of my models though, and not on Jaime. The models are from an asset store, and for some reason the actual Geometry is nested 8 nodes deep after being converted from GLTF (I’m not sure if that may be a contributing factor). But I can manage to select a child spatial if I use the other buttons in the Spatial tool, so itappears to be just the select by name button that causes the crash
Nonetheless, the new version of Maud is working for all my other usual needs, and I’m really liking the new improvements. Thanks for all your work with Maud
It’s great to know that Maud is actually getting some use!
I’ll think about what might be causing this. Maybe I can figure it out without seeing the actual model. Does the crash generate a stack trace, by any chance?
Unfortunately not, it just exits out with no error message after the button is pressed. I could upload one of the models if you think that would help.
It is definitely a very useful tool. I started using Maud primarily for the animation re-targeting, but lately I also ran into an issue with some purchased models that had distorted animations, and couldn’t be fixed in blender or even trimmed in the SDK/JMB. But in Maud I was able to import them without any distortion, so you saved me from throwing out non-refundable models
I’m a bit out-of-touch with Linux these days, but shouldn’t a segfault generate a core dump? Or if core dumps are disabled, shouldn’t there be a system setting to enable them?
With the glTF file you provided, I had no difficulty reproducing the crash you saw. Thank you!
The crash occurred because Maud requires every Spatial in a model to have a unique name. However, this model contains multiple spatials named "" (the empty string).
When run in the IDE, Maud logs a warning after loading this model:
Feb 12, 2019 7:51:28 AM maud.CheckLoaded cgm
WARNING: model contains multiple spatials named ""
but outside the IDE I’m unsure where such log message go. Devnull, perhaps.
It would be better, I think, for Maud to simply assign arbitrary names to spatials in this situation. I’ll get to work on this change ASAP.
Relying on names for things seems on surface like it may be broken.
JME itself requires no such thing. Even the Node.getChild(name) method makes me uncomfortable because it really should have been findFirstChild(name).
…but yeah, it’s super dangerous to rely on Spatial names because there are no constraints and the models may have them set to specific things for a reason.
Note: if it matters, many linux distros (I know Linux Mint can for sure) can be run from the boot CD just to try it. I don’t know how well the OpenGL support works in these, though.
Point: if you ever get really frustrated trying to debug some Linux-specific issue then for the cost of an .ISO download, a DVD, and a thumb drive (or just the thumb drive if you want to boot from that), you can potentially run and test Linux things.
Not sure, mostly it’s recommended for Mac and Linux users which are not using property driver for gpus.
For me running app without setting core profile will produce following exception on Messa driver and LWJGL2 , but works fine with LWJGL3 even without core profile.
SEVERE: An OpenGL error has occured!
org.lwjgl.opengl.OpenGLException: Invalid enum (1280)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Util.checkGLError(
at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.checkGLError(
at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop(
at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop(
at java.base/
Anyway It might not be the case with Maud, because app window opens and I see the monkey model but app froze the system and mouse or keyboard not work.
Maybe we need a third guy to give it a try also to get sure of it.
In case you like, you can upload a Maud build with LWJGL3 without jre bundled, I will test it.
I’ve uploaded version 1.0.0-alpha.7 of Maud to GitHub. It attempts to address the issues raised so far:
For the issue @yaRnMcDonuts raised regarding models from the asset store, code was added to sanitize null, empty, and duplicate Spatial names.
For the issues @raistm and @Ali_RS encountered with Linux Mint, the default OpenGL version for non-Windows platforms was changed from OPENGL2 to OPENGL33. In case the new defaults don’t work for everyone, there are new command-line options to override them:
./Maud --openGL2
./Maud --openGL33
For the issue @Toboi had with Kubuntu, I changed the NiftyGUI version from 1.4.3 back to 1.4.2, which is the tried-and-true version for JME 3.2.2 .
I’m eager to hear whether these changes resolve the issues.