Seeking alpha testers for Maud

I’m sorry to hear that. Are you able to run JmeTests? (In the IDE, these use LWJGL 2 and native Bullet by default.) I’m particularly curious about TestNiftyGui.

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Yes. ( only with AppSettings.LWJGL_OPENGL3) .

No problem.

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In that case, I perhaps erred in adding LWJGL_OPENGL33 to Maud. On the next iteration, I’ll include an option for LWJGL_OPENGL3.

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I’ll be testing Maud the coming days on Mac OS, eager to try some features, especially the retargeting of bone animations caught my eye!

Untill now I used my own simple ‘model-viewer’ implementation to load a model and playing/visualizing/debugging bone animations. I hope this will speed up development

edit: I need to start it up using: java -jar Maud.jar --openGL2
By default I’m presented with the error:

SEVERE: Failed to create display
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Unsupported renderer: LWJGL-OpenGL33
	at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglContext.initContextFirstTime(
	at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglContext.internalCreate(
	at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.initInThread(

I know I had some issues in the past running OpenGL3.3 on mac OSX. I was able to get a BasicGame running once, but I had to add some statements to the JVM and changing some settings in a org.lwjgl.system.configuration.* class. If you want I can look it up, I know I documented it somewhere…

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I think the next build will resolve the OpenGL issues. Probably tonight or tomorrow.

… Wow… !?! … Cool…

If you don’t want to try @pspeed’s thumb-drive boot, you could try a VM. Virtualbox is free, pretty simple to install, and actually supports passing through support for 3d acceleration. I have just as high a level of OpenGL support on my virtual ArchLinux development image as I do natively on my windows laptop.

(Might miss some of the device-specific oops points, but at least can check that the GL libraries load, and basically function)

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Here it is:
Release 8th release for alpha testing (1.0.0-alpha.8) · stephengold/Maud · GitHub

The command-line options have changed again. Now OpenGL2 is the default
on all platforms. On systems with non-proprietrary GPU drivers, specify the
--openGL3 option to use core OpenGL 3.2, as in:

    ./Maud --openGL3

I hope this change will allow more people to run the app.

Btw, the alternative to downloading binaries is to build Maud from source. This isn’t terribly difficult, especially if you already have Gradle installed. Maud is based on JME 3.2.2 and doesn’t depend on the engine’s master branch at all. You don’t need the latest SDK. Detailed instructions are in the README:

While not interested in running Linux today (thank you) I welcome your feedback or questions concerning Maud.

I just cloned the git repo and ran the thing from eclipse. Works fine so far.

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Thank you @raistm.

I’d love to hear from others who have tried Maud.

Version 0.3.10 of the Wes library fixes a nasty infinite-loop bug. I discovered this bug while retargeting animations using Maud. The next release of Maud will incorporate the fix.

It seems something might be broken in the buildscript :thinking:

$ git clone

$ cd Maud/

$ JAVA_HOME=/DEV/VMS/zulu8.38.0.13-ca-fx-jdk8.0.212-linux_x64  gradle build

$ cd build/libs/

$ JAVA_HOME=/DEV/VMS/zulu8.38.0.13-ca-fx-jdk8.0.212-linux_x64 java -jar Maud.jar 
no main manifest attribute, in Maud.jar

$ JAVA_HOME=/DEV/VMS/zulu8.38.0.13-ca-fx-jdk8.0.212-linux_x64 java -cp Maud.jar maud.Maud
Error: Could not find or load main class maud.Maud
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jme3utilities/nifty/GuiApplication
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I’ve not seen these issues before. You may be using an incompatible version of Gradle. Try ./gradlew build.

i was using Gradle 5.2.1, the shipped gradlew downloads the 5.3.1

$ JAVA_HOME=/DEV/VMS/zulu8.38.0.13-ca-fx-jdk8.0.212-linux_x64 ./gradlew build 

$ cd build/libs/

$ JAVA_HOME=/DEV/VMS/zulu8.38.0.13-ca-fx-jdk8.0.212-linux_x64 java -jar Maud.jar
no main manifest attribute, in Maud.jar

$ JAVA_HOME=/DEV/VMS/zulu8.38.0.13-ca-fx-jdk8.0.212-linux_x64 java -cp Maud.jar maud.Maud
Error: Could not find or load main class maud.Maud
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jme3utilities/nifty/GuiApplication

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I’ll see about adding a manifest, then.

Strangely enough, I’ve never run Maud from the command line. I either run it within the IDE or else I use the application launcher (packaged with each release).

I fixed the manifest. If you’re able to run Maud.jar from the command line now, let me know.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jme3utilities/nifty/GuiApplication
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You probably didn’t specify jme3-utilities-nifty-0.9.5.jar in the classpath. That’s just one of the 45 runtime-dependencies in Maud. Going this route will get complicated.

If you must run from the command line, please download a pre-built release, per the documentation at GitHub - stephengold/Maud: An editor for jMonkeyEngine 3-D models (code has New BSD license)

The most recent release is 1.0.0-alpha.8.

If you wish to run cutting-edge Maud, please build it in the IDE, per the documentation at GitHub - stephengold/Maud: An editor for jMonkeyEngine 3-D models (code has New BSD license)

With the latest commit, you can launch Maud from the command line:

  • ./gradlew run (bash)
  • .\gradlew.bat run (Windows command prompt)

This assumes you are in the top-level directory of the repo, with JAVA_HOME set to an installed JDK directory.

I get up this Sunday, and think to myself “I am going to tackle animation retargeting in Outside today”. So I am drinking my coffee and racking my brain trying to remember where I had seen retargeting in jme before. After some searches, the light bulb turned on: Wes!. So I head to gitlab, and lo and behold there was a new release of Wes today.

@sgold thank you for your work on Wes, I guess it is time for me to dive in and learn it.

EDIT: Also, I could not find an official thread for Wes, is there one?

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At the present time, there’s no forum category or topic that’s specifically for Wes. Feel free to start one.

For the past week or so, I’ve been updating Maud to cope with the new animation system. Wes v0.6.0 is a spinoff from that effort. Wes and Maud are still WIPs, but no longer on the verge of obsolescence due to JME v3.3.

Without a tool to edit skeleton mappings, I can’t imagine doing JME animation retargeting in a serious way. As far as I know, Maud is still the only tool for that purpose.