(September 2017) Monthly WIP screenshot thread

Since I have made asteroids to some success I needed a way to place them. I have made that way I think with a somewhat simple method of loading zones.

The idea being that you only load what is in the debug squares. Currently… nothing… Since I was just trying to get the loading part to work nicely. The cubes are only there as a debug shape and will be MUCH larger in the game I have in mind (Probably in nice 1km^3 pieces).

Each cube has a coordinate using doubles so there is not much fear of me running out of space (heh) anytime soon.

Note that the spaceship (green dot) doesn’t “move” but the space does around it. I yanked this idea from other topics on the forum but a BIG shout out to @normen for his infinite zoom universe demo. I started mucking with that and took some inspiration to make this.

Next is to populate the cubes with stuff and make the ship follow physics somewhat loosely with the stuff I learned from @normen, @zarch, @pspeed, and @wezrule from one of my oldest cries for help here: What is the proper way to apply thrust in the direction an object is facing? - #15 by thecyberbob