Shader maybe?

I'm looking for more of an anime style type of cel shading not so much toon. but i'm guessing regardless of what i'm looking for i would have to use shaders are their any tuts i can use on how to create shaders and set them up in jME?

or…are their better suggestions than to use shaders?

I worked a bit with cel-shading before, but I can't remember seeing anything specific about anime style of cel-shading. I think the best option (if you don't get any better suggestions) is to start from a toon-shading algorithm and then try and modify the shaders until you get the shading you want, since they should at least be quite similar.

How to set them up in JME I have no idea, I've only used JME for like two weeks, I did mine directly in OpenGL in C with Nvideas shaderlanguage. Hopefully JME has some features to simplify shaderprogramming too, since the effects of shaderprogramming is not always so obvious…

I would be very suprised if there is another way than shaders to achive this (except from if you try to achive it only with textures and materials, but that will not have the same effect). Maybe JME can let you handle it on an heigher level though, but in the background it will surely use shaders. What I know you need to be able to change the vertex and fragment information in your models to be able to achive cel-shadning, and for that you need shaders.

By the way, anyone knows which shaderlanguage JME implements? would be interesting to know!

shader language version support is dependant on the users graphics card…

the jme shader implementation uses the ARB extensions as far as i know…