[Solved] How to copy animation from one rig to an other same rig? [Blender]

if you could install it please let me know how to do it .

Don’t work too.

I downloaded blender 2.49b it was installed on it and was not really useful.
Anyway thanks for trying it.

But did you try this?

I scaled armature, apply scale for everything, joined all meshes, added animation to armature (in NLA editor) and exported using ogre exporter - I always use this for animations - it work.

I did not try ogre .it is some how a bit bothersome.
after all steps you mentioned , for FBX there also need to bake animation from Object → Animation —> Bake Action . [for .dae it is not needed though].
After baking animation it works very well in JME.

I don’t want to jack your topic but, first, so you solved it? You got animations from mixamo working in JME?

Second, would you mind answering some questions for me about mixamo? Has anyone else used it? Animations are an eternal struggle for me and I’m looking for an alternative to making them myself.

I think there is just one step remains to say it is solved and that relates to scaling.
When I import the model from mixamo to blender my rig scale is set to 0.01 but the mesh scale is 1 and when I apply scale on the rig, animation get ruined. Now I am seeking for a solution to import scale correctly. If i can solve that too i will surely put the workflow here .

Also by using “bake action” in blender there is no need to join all mesh together.

Hey Friends I think I finally could find the right way. YES :grinning:
After few weeks of testing finally today I could gain success . I could import a human model which was Auto-Rigged by Mixamo along with two animations applied to it ,in JME 3.1 .
Soon I will put the Workflow in new Topic. So be on the alert. :stuck_out_tongue:


I am at your service.

Nice, glad its working.

Heh… ok well I can’t really follow what they say on their website - can I take a model I made in blender and I guess upload it to their site to animate it? I already rigged my guy to a skeleton and it was a pain up the ass so I’m curious how well their process works if they automatically do the weights for their skeleton.

Also from what I can see its free?

Yes you can. The above 3d model of human is rigged with mixamo. It was a 3d model with no bones which I downloaded from http://www.cadnav.com/ then uploaded the mesh (no need to upload textures) in FBX format (or .obj or …) to there and in 3 minutes it rigged it.
I will have some tutorials which demonstrate all the workflow.
It works just for human shaped models and better to be in T-pose.

Yes it is free . but you have no right to sell models from Mixamo. Must use those models embedded in your product like game or animation.

Thanks. Unfortunately it couldn’t rig the 3 models I tried (they were hardly complicated). Still I guess it is in the early stages. I downloaded some animations too but their armature is not… too my liking :smiley:

Can you please provide an screenshot of your model ?
You know I also had model which Mixamo could not rig at first attempt. but after I separate some parts of model It could rig it. Then in blender I joined back separated part and weight painted it manually.