Some really basic scenegraph stuff aaahhh

The default position vector of a spatial is (0,0,0).

The default rotation vector of a spatial is (0,0,1).

The default scale vector of a spatial is (1,1,1)

These things are also true for the root-node, meaning it will have rotation (0,0,1) etc. if that is not changed.

(0,0,0) is the “unit” location. Adding (0,0,0) to a location does not change it. Vector addition is the default operation for position.

(0,0,1) has quaternion representation (x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, w = 1.0), which is the unit rotation. If you multiply another quaternion by that, it will remain unchanged. Quaternion multiplication is the default operation for rotations.

(1,1,1) has the same properties for scale. Pointwise vector multiplication is the default operation for scale.

This means the default values are all units. That’s why they are the default values.

Btw, the location, rotation and position (translation) of a spatial combined, is usually called its “transformation”; both in conversations and in the actual code.

xD yep

And this stuff will mostly be true for pretty much any scene graph or 3D representation.

I forgot to add: "Note to self … " :slight_smile: