
Oh btw, it didn't run on my Mac, probably because it requires Java 6 :frowning:

This is Open Source, correct? You've got a few things in your code I'd kill to see (not really kill, pretty much limited to asking here) is there a chance you could link the src files? I tried opening the SVN, but it asks for a password. I'd prefer a zipped source, but if that's not an option I'll go get an SVN client.

Thanks  :smiley:

is working for me

just keep in mind, its a work in progress, and my progress is very very slow :slight_smile:

the current trunk is also for jme 2 if you want to compile with jme 1 you can try to check out from the tag 'tags/stardust_jme1.0' instead of 'trunk/stardust'

What isn't a work in progress? Blizz patches WoW like twice a month… so even the biggest game in the world is a WIP.

Just tried it out through Java WebStart. It ran fairly well, and I have to say I'm impressed.

OH forgot to mention on my computer the model isn't lit… so I can't see him.