Survey for jME student developers

I would like to do a couple mini-interviews with students of any age who are using jMonkeyEngine in an educational setting.

An example would be @iamcreasy’s Rabbit’s Fury. Ideally you already have some simple visuals to showcase (this is not a beauty pageant though), but it’s not mandatory. Most importantly I just want to hear about how jME is being used by students.

All versions and even derivatives (e.g. Env3D) of jMonkeyEngine apply.

Please reply to this thread or send me a brief private message about what you’ve done with jME as a student and I will put together a survey for you guys and gals.

Sounds like a great idea! I’ll pass this news to my students. You can also see some of the student work at the Env3D showcase.

I began working with Env3d last fall and since then created these applets:

I had no prior experience with java, just a little experience with web based languages.