Well now I’m thorooughly confused. I recreated a fresh terrain in the SDK to try and reproduce the problem from scratch, and the normal maps show up in the SDK as well as at run time for the Phong terrain.
But no matter what I cannot get my old terrains to show normal maps with the Phong terrain shader, even with the same material that works on the new terrain… The only diffference is that every other terain I have made was generated in JMB. But unfortunately there’s a bug in the newest windows version of JMB so I can’t add a new normal map to test the results in there…
Have you used Jmonkey builder for generating or editing your terrains at all? Or just the SDK?
I’m wondering if it is a bug in JMB (or possibly the SDK as well, but I haven’t managed to trigger it
with yet with the new terrain I just generated)
I had this issue in the past, but never followed up since it did not affect the PBR version of my terrain at run-time
Here’s the normal map working with a new terrain generated in the SDK… so maybe it isn’t an error in the shader after all, I’m not sure now…