The new monkey

And btw, I generally think we should do some stuff different:

  1. go back to the proper com.jme. package name
  2. scrap the whole SDK think, make sure the library can only be used with text editors and no IDE’s
  3. set up the website based on IIS and ActiveX
  4. rename the project to some other animal like jOpossumEngine
  5. add model loaders for every possible 3d format on the planet, make special API’s for each of them so you can use the features of each, obviously the API’s have to differ a lot so the programmer “feels” the model type at hand
  6. add more renderers for desktop, we can access opengl in so many ways on desktop, if somebody got problems we can always pretend that it would run on one of the renderers and tell him he’s the problem
  7. add back TriMeshes and remove the Geometries, make the Material system not depend on strange external gpu script files that nobody understands, this is a java engine!

    8 ) simply get more features in, best make a new Application class for each of them so they can be used easily



Let’s not forget to add rendering for anything before 1995.





Cirrus Logic

Also all integrated video chips/cards have to be supported from now on.

Oh and let’s not forget anything. We nee to implement something to support old, very old stuff like:




And of course, monochrome (both types → green and gold).

I still prefer the @pspeed art, that monkey is very serious :). But this is more :

@normen said:

rofl, really tempted to put the first one to the page header xD

Here ya go:


this topic is front news material

Why aren’t we using THIS:

Why aren’t we using THIS:

which monkey? the one on the right or the one on the left? :D



@clwillingham said: which monkey? the one on the right or the one on the left?

On the right :D.

Stephens Colbert can clearly roll with jME :wink:

You guys do it all wrong… If we know we can annoy you with the new monkey we will, just like you guys annoy us with the same questions over again xD

why is the Rape monkey still in the header?

When I came to the site and saw the header, I jumped with a bit of a surprise. That’s not serious monkey, that’s scary monkey!

Oddly reminded me of Men In Black - “He’s not snarling, he’s sneezing!”

@normen on that note, how do you make an MMORPG? Are there any examples? Source code?

hehehe :wink:


nomnom, your grammar is much too good for that kind of post :wink:

Hehehehe… Too true :smiley:
