What you talk, where you from? Little stats

Monkeys… Monkeys everywhere! :slight_smile:

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Cool! :smile: I did try to count but I got too deep and try to separate main and second language… and got bore x)

Il put it at the top of the message :smile:

Omg, us frenchies are again getting beaten up by the krauts :blush: .


insert joke about the war here
Another German here, milling about in the same town and university as @zanval

Darn it, you had me thinking “hey, do I know this guy?” until I read the username -.-

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From Malmö, Southern Sweden. Speaks english and swedish (and the other Scandinavic languages). I’ve studied German… but I cannot remember more than presenting myself, order a beer and a bratwurst… so I guess I would survive there for a week at least. =)

Wie talkst du?? xD

I am from Brazil.
I know there is at least other 3 guys here from Br as well.

From Norway. As for language, you can just copy paste @kwando’s reply and replace “Swedish” with “Norwegian”.

“Sinnlos im Weltraum” ist viel lustiger! :chimpanzee_closedlaugh:

I wonder how German sounds in the ears of e.g. US citizens. Must be horrible!

And … I was really spoilered by the name of the evil doctor in Doom3, who was named “Dr. Betruger” - that indicates how evil our language must sound to them. :chimpanzee_closedlaugh:

From Slovenia, a country you’ve never heard of. I speak Slovenian, English and a bit German.

Didn’t see us going down that road…

We can’t leave this without the most classical masterpiece of german synchro:

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:rainbow: France / Dijon :rainbow: speak french

:lollipop: Also speak english :lollipop:

Dobar dan, I listen to Radio SI in my apartment/car. Love it!

Wow I never thought I’d see the day. Dober večer tudi tebi :smiley: If you don’t mind me asking, how come that you’re here?

When I wrap the antenna of my radio around the TV board I can listen to Radio SI even in the northern part of Graz. Fantastic, isn’t it? :smile:
(I don’t understand a word of the song 42 by Tabu, but nevertheless I like it. And according to Douglas Adams 42 is the answer to everything. I also remember watching Hugo and Pingu on Slovenian TV as a kid.)

I never would have thought you could pick it up from there, mostly all our radios vanish way before the borders. I’ve never heard of Tabu, but I’m quite a fan of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. :smile: Ha I can remember those two shows, albeit I haven’t seen many - they were a bit before my time.

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Poland. I can speak in English a little.

South Africa, English :smile:

From Argentina :chimpanzee_closedlaugh:, Spanish and English.