Who deleted the Eclipse settigns from svn?

Seriously this sucks,!

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I think there is an issue with keeping it up to date since most use the JMP for coding, so they removed it, soon after they did that I started getting some weird crashing issues due to it being considered a file conflict on my end, I had adjusted my version so it wasn’t in sync with svn anyways, so I dont understand the issue there, I revert to a backup…haven’t updated since…until I fix it

The files were containing incorrect references since the project structure changed so with or without them it would be bad for eclipse users. Just set up your own project for editing the sources, thats what I used to do when jME2 was an eclipse project.

Edit: Also, the proper question is “Why were the files deleted” unless you don’t know how to use svn :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit2: To simplify the proper answer: To avoid issues like these.

I’ve gotta agree with @EmpirePhoenix, that’s a pain :slight_smile:

I’ve been updating them when I see changes, I guess it got out of date. There are a number of advantages to having it as an actual Eclipse project (especially with regard to jME3 vs jME2)

  • Multiple source folders in jME3 (many, many more) that need to be added separately

  • Linking a project to the SVN HEAD is as simple as adding the jME3 project in your dependencies. If there's no project, it needs to be re-added on every environment you plan to be working on. With more than 1 installation this quickly becomes impractical; with more than 1 person its ridiculous

  • Keeping it up to date is not difficult. I'd argue that an Eclipse user checking out incorrectly linked project files is better than no project as it raises a red flag for them, causes them to post in the forum the problem, and the folks watching the Eclipse stuff get a kick in the pants to fix it if they've missed a change.

We've seen the NetBeans vs Eclipse threads here and on every other Java community before. I don't see any sense in trying to steamroll the issue. People won't switch their IDE, we will only succeed in driving away users if they perceive their needs as second-class. Again, we've got the manpower in Eclipse users to keep watch.. I don't see any reason not to have it around.
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Exactly, if it were not deleted, I would have posted a eclipse project svn patch by now, as I did a few times already.

And who was really a who, because I want to yell at them!! somewhat pissed

There is no reason to “switch the IDE”, the project has a perfectly working build process that works with any IDE. As long as the eclipse project doesn’t produce the same output as the main build file it should not be there. The user should put the parts he needs together separately or include the appropriate jar files. I didn’t see any references to the build.xml or any separation for the code directories so the eclipse project doesn’t do that.

The point in having a project for an IDE is that one can code in the project and extend it. With an eclipse project set up like this thats not possible for eclipse at the moment, neither native bullet nor android get built.

Edit: @EmpirePhoenix: Didn’t you get my hint about svn? You can easily check who deleted it. I deleted it after somebody complained it was broken.

the “ant jar” target also fails… are you going to delete the build.xml now?

(http://depositfiles.com/files/xu5hkc2ux ← currently working eclipse project files .classpath and .project if somebody needs it)

No @douter, obviously not because that is the main build process. How does it fail for you? You cannot run it in Eclipse? Man you are such sissies. And actually you are all just augmenting my argument. If there hadn’t been an eclipse project in the first place you would not have these issues now. What do you do with 90% of all libraries which don’t have an eclipse project? Just ignore them? Ask the maintainer to add an eclipse project cause you don’t know how to?

Let me say that this thread now actually pisses me off very much as none of you seems to be able to just ask “why is the eclipse project file gone, whats the problem, can I help?”. Eclipse really seems to slowly deteriorate peoples brains. Also remember you are using the nightly if this happens for you, branches/3.0beta still has the eclipse project files.

@sbook is looking into getting a project for eclipse to work that uses the build.xml, if that works out we’ll add that.

I still don’t see why you had to delete them its not like it is gonna harm anyone. I feel more like you try to bring a netbeans vs eclipse war in the svn.

If you don’t use eclipse why toughing it’s stuff at all? an other eclipse user could probably quite fastly fix it and submit that.

(Also in fact yes, I try toa void librarys where no source code is aviable, due to debugging and bug fixing purposes, as you enver know if and when they decide to stop supporting them)

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Lol, “no eclipse project” = “no source code”, thanks for continually underlining my statements xD I deleted them because they were broken. They would not have helped anyone in the state they were in anyway. The eclipse project issue is the same as the maven issue. You can personally blame me for anything, I am used to it but my intention is actually helping eclipse users by not misleading them to think the eclipse project file will properly compile the engine (which it doesn’t). Its like the malicious configure script in bullet which is also just there… but doesn’t work, you have to use cmake to build it.

They are broken and as such only confuse/bog down developers. It makes sense to me to remove them. Maybe in the SVN log does it explain the ‘why’?

Oh and hi (new to the forums and JME3). Looking forward to posting plenty of inane questions in the near future!

And thanks for all your hard work developers, contributors, and good question asker/answerers!!


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And it’s all fluid anyway… a properly working and setup Eclipse project can always be checked back in, I guess. But as Normen mentions, if it’s not using the standard build then it’s potentially more dangerous than useful.

Nope, the ant buileded one is not that easy to debug with the default runtime debugger.

btw the ant script shows taht we have some russian TODO in the code


also it does not compile completly because, something in the tests seems to fail

Buildfile: C:workspacejme3build.xml -pre-init: -init-private: -pre-init-libraries: -init-private-libraries: -init-libraries: -init-user: -init-project: -init-macrodef-property: -do-init: -post-init: -init-check: -init-ap-cmdline-properties: -init-macrodef-javac-with-processors: -init-macrodef-javac-without-processors: -init-macrodef-javac: -init-macrodef-junit: -init-debug-args: -init-macrodef-nbjpda: -init-macrodef-debug: -init-macrodef-java: -init-presetdef-jar: -init-ap-cmdline-supported: -init-ap-cmdline: init: -deps-jar-init: deps-jar: [mkdir] Created dir: C:workspacejme3build -warn-already-built-jar: [propertyfile] Updating property file: C:workspacejme3buildbuilt-jar.properties -check-automatic-build: -clean-after-automatic-build: -verify-automatic-build: -pre-pre-compile: [mkdir] Created dir: C:workspacejme3buildclasses -pre-compile: -copy-persistence-xml: -compile-depend: -do-compile: [mkdir] Created dir: C:workspacejme3buildcore [mkdir] Created dir: C:workspacejme3buildplugins [mkdir] Created dir: C:workspacejme3buildjogg [mkdir] Created dir: C:workspacejme3buildblender [mkdir] Created dir: C:workspacejme3builddesktop [mkdir] Created dir: C:workspacejme3buildterrain [mkdir] Created dir: C:workspacejme3buildjbullet [mkdir] Created dir: C:workspacejme3buildbullet [mkdir] Created dir: C:workspacejme3buildniftygui [mkdir] Created dir: C:workspacejme3buildlwjgl [mkdir] Created dir: C:workspacejme3buildandroid [echo] Compile Core [mkdir] Created dir: C:workspacejme3buildempty [javac] Compiling 461 source files to C:workspacejme3buildcore [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.5 [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [javac] 1 warning [javac] Creating empty C:workspacejme3buildcorecheckersqualspackage-info.class [copy] Copying 156 files to C:workspacejme3buildcore [echo] Compile Plugins (Ogre, XML) [javac] Compiling 16 source files to C:workspacejme3buildplugins [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.5 [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [javac] 1 warning [copy] Copying 1 file to C:workspacejme3buildplugins [echo] Compile Jogg [javac] Compiling 3 source files to C:workspacejme3buildjogg [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.5 [javac] Note: C:workspacejme3srcjoggcomjme3audiopluginsOGGLoader.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [javac] 1 warning [echo] Compile Desktop [javac] Compiling 26 source files to C:workspacejme3builddesktop [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.5 [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [javac] 1 warning [copy] Copying 1 file to C:workspacejme3builddesktop [echo] Compile Blender Loader [javac] Compiling 82 source files to C:workspacejme3buildblender [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.5 [javac] C:workspacejme3srcblendercomjme3scenepluginsblenderconstraintsConstraintInverseKinematics.java:47: warning: unmappable character for encoding UTF-8 [javac] //TODO: to nie mo�e by� null, utworzy� dane bez ruchu, w zale�no�ci czy target si� rusza [javac] ^ [javac] C:workspacejme3srcblendercomjme3scenepluginsblenderconstraintsConstraintInverseKinematics.java:47: warning: unmappable character for encoding UTF-8 [javac] //TODO: to nie mo�e by� null, utworzy� dane bez ruchu, w zale�no�ci czy target si� rusza [javac] ^ [javac] C:workspacejme3srcblendercomjme3scenepluginsblenderconstraintsConstraintInverseKinematics.java:47: warning: unmappable character for encoding UTF-8 [javac] //TODO: to nie mo�e by� null, utworzy� dane bez ruchu, w zale�no�ci czy target si� rusza [javac] ^ [javac] C:workspacejme3srcblendercomjme3scenepluginsblenderconstraintsConstraintInverseKinematics.java:47: warning: unmappable character for encoding UTF-8 [javac] //TODO: to nie mo�e by� null, utworzy� dane bez ruchu, w zale�no�ci czy target si� rusza [javac] ^ [javac] C:workspacejme3srcblendercomjme3scenepluginsblenderconstraintsConstraintInverseKinematics.java:47: warning: unmappable character for encoding UTF-8 [javac] //TODO: to nie mo�e by� null, utworzy� dane bez ruchu, w zale�no�ci czy target si� rusza [javac] ^ [javac] C:workspacejme3srcblendercomjme3scenepluginsblenderconstraintsConstraintInverseKinematics.java:47: warning: unmappable character for encoding UTF-8 [javac] //TODO: to nie mo�e by� null, utworzy� dane bez ruchu, w zale�no�ci czy target si� rusza [javac] ^ [javac] 7 warnings [copy] Copying 4 files to C:workspacejme3buildblender [echo] Compile Terrain [javac] Compiling 46 source files to C:workspacejme3buildterrain [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.5 [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [javac] 1 warning [copy] Copying 9 files to C:workspacejme3buildterrain [echo] Compile jBullet [javac] Compiling 51 source files to C:workspacejme3buildjbullet [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.5 [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [javac] 1 warning [echo] Compile Bullet [javac] Compiling 54 source files to C:workspacejme3buildbullet [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.5 [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [javac] 1 warning [echo] Compile Nifty [javac] Compiling 8 source files to C:workspacejme3buildniftygui [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.5 [javac] 1 warning [copy] Copying 3 files to C:workspacejme3buildniftygui [echo] Compile Lwjgl [javac] Compiling 14 source files to C:workspacejme3buildlwjgl [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.5 [javac] Note: C:workspacejme3srclwjglcomjme3inputlwjglJInputJoyInput.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [javac] 1 warning [echo] Compile Android [javac] Compiling 23 source files to C:workspacejme3buildandroid [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.5 [javac] 1 warning [echo] Compile Tests [javac] Compiling 199 source files to C:workspacejme3buildclasses [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.5 [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [javac] 1 warning [copy] Copying 9 files to C:workspacejme3buildclasses -post-compile: compile: -pre-pre-compile-test: [mkdir] Created dir: C:workspacejme3buildtestclasses -pre-compile-test: -compile-test-depend: -do-compile-test: [javac] Compiling 4 source files to C:workspacejme3buildtestclasses [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.5 [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactQuaternionArrayTest.java:3: error: package com.jme3.animation does not exist [javac] import com.jme3.animation.CompactQuaternionArray; [javac] ^ [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactQuaternionArrayTest.java:4: error: cannot find symbol [javac] import com.jme3.math.Quaternion; [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Quaternion [javac] location: package com.jme3.math [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:3: error: package com.jme3.animation does not exist [javac] import com.jme3.animation.CompactVector3Array; [javac] ^ [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:4: error: package com.jme3.export.binary does not exist [javac] import com.jme3.export.binary.BinaryExporter; [javac] ^ [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:5: error: package com.jme3.export.binary does not exist [javac] import com.jme3.export.binary.BinaryImporter; [javac] ^ [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:6: error: cannot find symbol [javac] import com.jme3.math.Vector3f; [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: package com.jme3.math [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:15: error: cannot find symbol [javac] private final Vector3f[] objArray1 = new Vector3f[] { [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:22: error: cannot find symbol [javac] private final Vector3f[] objArray2 = new Vector3f[] { [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:34: error: cannot find symbol [javac] CompactVector3Array compact; [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class CompactVector3Array [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjme3fontColorTagsTest.java:21: error: cannot find symbol [javac] ColorTags tag1 = new ColorTags(str1); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class ColorTags [javac] location: class ColorTagsTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjme3fontColorTagsTest.java:21: error: cannot find symbol [javac] ColorTags tag1 = new ColorTags(str1); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class ColorTags [javac] location: class ColorTagsTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjme3fontColorTagsTest.java:25: error: cannot find symbol [javac] ColorTags tag2 = new ColorTags(str2); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class ColorTags [javac] location: class ColorTagsTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjme3fontColorTagsTest.java:25: error: cannot find symbol [javac] ColorTags tag2 = new ColorTags(str2); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class ColorTags [javac] location: class ColorTagsTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjme3fontColorTagsTest.java:32: error: cannot find symbol [javac] ColorTags tag1 = new ColorTags(str1); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class ColorTags [javac] location: class ColorTagsTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjme3fontColorTagsTest.java:32: error: cannot find symbol [javac] ColorTags tag1 = new ColorTags(str1); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class ColorTags [javac] location: class ColorTagsTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjme3fontColorTagsTest.java:36: error: cannot find symbol [javac] ColorTags tag2 = new ColorTags(str2); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class ColorTags [javac] location: class ColorTagsTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjme3fontColorTagsTest.java:36: error: cannot find symbol [javac] ColorTags tag2 = new ColorTags(str2); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class ColorTags [javac] location: class ColorTagsTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjme3mathTrigonometryTest.java:10: error: cannot find symbol [javac] Vector2f original = new Vector2f(1, 2); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector2f [javac] location: class TrigonometryTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjme3mathTrigonometryTest.java:10: error: cannot find symbol [javac] Vector2f original = new Vector2f(1, 2); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector2f [javac] location: class TrigonometryTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjme3mathTrigonometryTest.java:11: error: cannot find symbol [javac] Vector2f recreated = new Vector2f(); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector2f [javac] location: class TrigonometryTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjme3mathTrigonometryTest.java:11: error: cannot find symbol [javac] Vector2f recreated = new Vector2f(); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector2f [javac] location: class TrigonometryTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjme3mathTrigonometryTest.java:16: error: cannot find symbol [javac] recreated.set( FastMath.cos(angle), FastMath.sin(angle) ); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: variable FastMath [javac] location: class TrigonometryTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjme3mathTrigonometryTest.java:16: error: cannot find symbol [javac] recreated.set( FastMath.cos(angle), FastMath.sin(angle) ); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: variable FastMath [javac] location: class TrigonometryTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactQuaternionArrayTest.java:18: error: cannot find symbol [javac] Quaternion[] objArray = new Quaternion[] { [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Quaternion [javac] location: class CompactQuaternionArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactQuaternionArrayTest.java:18: error: cannot find symbol [javac] Quaternion[] objArray = new Quaternion[] { [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Quaternion [javac] location: class CompactQuaternionArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactQuaternionArrayTest.java:19: error: cannot find symbol [javac] new Quaternion(1, 0, 1, 1), [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Quaternion [javac] location: class CompactQuaternionArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactQuaternionArrayTest.java:20: error: cannot find symbol [javac] new Quaternion(1, 1, 1, 0), [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Quaternion [javac] location: class CompactQuaternionArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactQuaternionArrayTest.java:21: error: cannot find symbol [javac] new Quaternion(0, 1, 1, 0), [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Quaternion [javac] location: class CompactQuaternionArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactQuaternionArrayTest.java:22: error: cannot find symbol [javac] new Quaternion(1, 1, 1, 0), [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Quaternion [javac] location: class CompactQuaternionArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactQuaternionArrayTest.java:23: error: cannot find symbol [javac] new Quaternion(1, 0, 1, 1), [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Quaternion [javac] location: class CompactQuaternionArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactQuaternionArrayTest.java:25: error: cannot find symbol [javac] CompactQuaternionArray compact = new CompactQuaternionArray(); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class CompactQuaternionArray [javac] location: class CompactQuaternionArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactQuaternionArrayTest.java:25: error: cannot find symbol [javac] CompactQuaternionArray compact = new CompactQuaternionArray(); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class CompactQuaternionArray [javac] location: class CompactQuaternionArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactQuaternionArrayTest.java:35: error: cannot find symbol [javac] Quaternion[] objArray = new Quaternion[] { [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Quaternion [javac] location: class CompactQuaternionArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactQuaternionArrayTest.java:35: error: cannot find symbol [javac] Quaternion[] objArray = new Quaternion[] { [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Quaternion [javac] location: class CompactQuaternionArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactQuaternionArrayTest.java:36: error: cannot find symbol [javac] new Quaternion(1, 0, 1, 1), [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Quaternion [javac] location: class CompactQuaternionArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactQuaternionArrayTest.java:37: error: cannot find symbol [javac] new Quaternion(1, 1, 1, 0), [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Quaternion [javac] location: class CompactQuaternionArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactQuaternionArrayTest.java:38: error: cannot find symbol [javac] new Quaternion(0, 1, 1, 0), [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Quaternion [javac] location: class CompactQuaternionArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactQuaternionArrayTest.java:39: error: cannot find symbol [javac] new Quaternion(1, 1, 1, 0), [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Quaternion [javac] location: class CompactQuaternionArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactQuaternionArrayTest.java:40: error: cannot find symbol [javac] new Quaternion(1, 0, 1, 1), [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Quaternion [javac] location: class CompactQuaternionArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactQuaternionArrayTest.java:42: error: cannot find symbol [javac] CompactQuaternionArray compact = new CompactQuaternionArray(dataArray, indexArray); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class CompactQuaternionArray [javac] location: class CompactQuaternionArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactQuaternionArrayTest.java:42: error: cannot find symbol [javac] CompactQuaternionArray compact = new CompactQuaternionArray(dataArray, indexArray); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class CompactQuaternionArray [javac] location: class CompactQuaternionArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:15: error: cannot find symbol [javac] private final Vector3f[] objArray1 = new Vector3f[] { [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:16: error: cannot find symbol [javac] new Vector3f(1, 0, 1), // 0 [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:17: error: cannot find symbol [javac] new Vector3f(1, 1, 1), // 1 [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:18: error: cannot find symbol [javac] new Vector3f(0, 1, 1), // 2 [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:19: error: cannot find symbol [javac] new Vector3f(1, 1, 1), // 1 [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:20: error: cannot find symbol [javac] new Vector3f(1, 0, 1), // 0 [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:22: error: cannot find symbol [javac] private final Vector3f[] objArray2 = new Vector3f[] { [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:23: error: cannot find symbol [javac] new Vector3f(1, 0, 2), // 3 [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:24: error: cannot find symbol [javac] new Vector3f(1, 1, 1), // 1 [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:25: error: cannot find symbol [javac] new Vector3f(0, 1, 1), // 2 [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:27: error: cannot find symbol [javac] new Vector3f(1, 0, 2), // 3 [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:38: error: cannot find symbol [javac] compact = new CompactVector3Array(); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class CompactVector3Array [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:67: error: cannot find symbol [javac] Vector3f[] objArray = new Vector3f[] { [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:67: error: cannot find symbol [javac] Vector3f[] objArray = new Vector3f[] { [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:68: error: cannot find symbol [javac] new Vector3f(1, 0, 1), [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:69: error: cannot find symbol [javac] new Vector3f(1, 1, 1), [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:70: error: cannot find symbol [javac] new Vector3f(0, 1, 1), [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:71: error: cannot find symbol [javac] new Vector3f(1, 1, 1), [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:72: error: cannot find symbol [javac] new Vector3f(1, 0, 1), [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:74: error: cannot find symbol [javac] CompactVector3Array compact = new CompactVector3Array(dataArray, indexArray); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class CompactVector3Array [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:74: error: cannot find symbol [javac] CompactVector3Array compact = new CompactVector3Array(dataArray, indexArray); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class CompactVector3Array [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:95: error: cannot find symbol [javac] Vector3f v1 = compact.get(1, new Vector3f()); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:95: error: cannot find symbol [javac] Vector3f v1 = compact.get(1, new Vector3f()); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:96: error: cannot find symbol [javac] assertEquals(new Vector3f(1, 1, 1), v1); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:102: error: cannot find symbol [javac] Vector3f v2 = compact.get(1, new Vector3f()); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:102: error: cannot find symbol [javac] Vector3f v2 = compact.get(1, new Vector3f()); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:103: error: cannot find symbol [javac] assertEquals(new Vector3f(1, 1, 1), v2); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:104: error: cannot find symbol [javac] Vector3f v3 = compact.get(5, new Vector3f()); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:104: error: cannot find symbol [javac] Vector3f v3 = compact.get(5, new Vector3f()); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:105: error: cannot find symbol [javac] assertEquals(new Vector3f(1, 0, 2), v3); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:129: error: cannot find symbol [javac] Vector3f[] reverse = new Vector3f[objArray1.length]; [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:129: error: cannot find symbol [javac] Vector3f[] reverse = new Vector3f[objArray1.length]; [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Vector3f [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:145: error: cannot find symbol [javac] BinaryImporter importer = new BinaryImporter(); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class BinaryImporter [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:145: error: cannot find symbol [javac] BinaryImporter importer = new BinaryImporter(); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class BinaryImporter [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:146: error: cannot find symbol [javac] BinaryExporter exporter = new BinaryExporter(); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class BinaryExporter [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:146: error: cannot find symbol [javac] BinaryExporter exporter = new BinaryExporter(); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class BinaryExporter [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] C:workspacejme3testcomjmeanimationCompactVector3ArrayTest.java:150: error: cannot find symbol [javac] compact = (CompactVector3Array) importer.load(file); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class CompactVector3Array [javac] location: class CompactVector3ArrayTest [javac] 78 errors [javac] 1 warning

C:workspacejme3nbprojectbuild-impl.xml:1071: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:workspacejme3nbprojectbuild-impl.xml:346: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

Total time: 1 minute 2 seconds


I get a different build error… some Android stuff seems to be broken?


[echo] Compile Core

[javac] Compiling 2 source files to workspace\jme3\build\core

[javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.5

[javac] 1 warning

[echo] Compile Plugins (Ogre, XML)

[echo] Compile Jogg

[echo] Compile Desktop

[echo] Compile Blender Loader

[echo] Compile Terrain

[echo] Compile jBullet

[echo] Compile Bullet

[echo] Compile Nifty

[echo] Compile Lwjgl

[echo] Compile Android

[javac] Compiling 14 source files to workspace\jme3\build\android

[javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.5

[javac] workspace\jme3\src\android\com\jme3\app\AndroidHarness.java:112: error: cannot find symbol

[javac] JmeSystem.setSystemDelegate(new JmeAndroidSystem());

[javac] ^

[javac] symbol: method setSystemDelegate(JmeAndroidSystem)

[javac] location: class JmeSystem

[javac] 1 error

[javac] 1 warning


workspace\jme3\build.xml:145: The following error occurred while executing this line:

workspace\jme3\nbproject\build-impl.xml:346: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.[/xml]

Deleting ur project from workspace and adding it again will make eclipse generate it’s own .classpath file including needed jars that he finds… so the only thing left to do for the user is to sort 2 or 3 class path folders (ex bullet and core-data). And a major plus to this is, when a contributor committed edited eclipse project files on the svn and we updated our project classpath was fucked or eclipse stopped identifying the project as a “java project”… so as i see it, removing the eclipse project files from svn is a good thing ^^ (in fact they shouldn’t have been there from the start…)

PS: Those symbol errors… if u see your eclipse red as fuck-sake why do u still compile the project? >.>. Weird thing is i do not have any errors… i just had to remove bullet from my class path, leave only jbullet and then add core-data + test-data folder to my class path…

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Your errors should go away when you update to an older revision e.g. 8837 and then back to head I guess.

Actually eclipse tries to set up the src and libs correclty, but is nto able to do so, because we have multiple src folders and multiple subfolders for the librarys. It it would set it up correctly and there were no problems I had not complained :confused:

To the builderror,

I checked the whole svn new out. I mean if I do that i should get the newest version, I don’t really understand why reverting to a older one would help (though I know not everything in live makes sense). Still if the project is checked out freshly, the build scrpt wich is ‘the official way’ shoud also work out of box.

@EmpirePhoenix: That is the exact issue and the whole point. You seem to depend on an eclipse project that properly compiles the needed jME3 source parts for your game. So you best do that yourself. Keeps you out of trouble in case the jme source structure changes or you decide to exclude things that are included by default etc etc.

If you intend to work on the jME3 project (which includes everything being done in the build.xml) for contributions then you have to use our build script or else you code against something completely different than we use, like Kaelthas did in the beginnings of the blender loader, setting up strange tests that only work in his Eclipse project.

So this is definitely not about Eclipse or IDE wars, as said its the same issue than with maven (or any other build process / project structure) and I surely have better things to do than discuss Eclipse for the 1000th time. Also remember I never said anything bad about Eclipse, I even say that I think its a great IDE so thats all in your mind really.

Probably the best solution is to get eclipse working with ant, no?

Yeah, as said an eclipse project that uses the build.xml would be fine.