Why it was down?

LOL. “Most of the work left as an exercise for the reader.”

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Just two side-notes: Imgur was also banned at a company I was working for (~400k employees).
The problem with all those good ideas is that they add more cost in terms of mantime than just more diskspace.

The problem with finding another image host is that at least at said company they blocked by meta info (like the meta tags of the page), I don’t know how governments do it.

To me it doesn’t sound like the pictures are the real problem actually, they are just the drop that lets the barrel overflow (german saying :D). It seems that discourse itself and the backup are already pushing the host to its borders.

This situation is really difficult for us since we don’t have something like the blender foundation with people getting paid just to have everything working correctly


Well in that case they have the internet policy of a middle eastern dictatorship apparently. Did they block google and youtube as well?


Well that’s not a problem; right? you’re not doing JME related stuff at work right?


I Never did, never. :joy:

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It seems, that at least not anymore :smirk:


ideas are the most precious thing in this world, werent for ES I would be stuck on my project complexity and confuseness, now I know clearly where things are and is easier even to think about implementing new things on it (this doesnt mean the flow of doubts and questions are ended tho xD).

In other words, if the tips I am giving were used from the beginning (mainly automated maintenance scripts), now such problems would not be happening, not only here but in many places. Despite this is more a high self-steem guess than a practical affirmative :chimpanzee_cool:.

In the other hand, other problems could happen as a consequence of such automations, but I think it would be nothing a good and cheap huge backups history wouldnt be able to let us recover from.

why not expose what is not critical of the maintenance code part thru github, so we could forkly contribute with tips and fixes? well… if that can be done of course.

IMHO that is not at all true. This is massively shown this way in Hollywood movies, though :slight_smile:


uh… mm :stuck_out_tongue: I typed out a really snarky response to this but deleted it, feel like you might get one from pspeed instead :wink:


Meanwhile Paul is sleeping (I hope he does at least from time to time), I have a “cool story, bro” sort of thing for you.

Ten years ago or so I was involved in a project that looked very promising (disclaimer: I wasn’t starting nor directing it, just did my job on production preparation stage) - the idea was basically to make a “thin client” sufficiently cheaper than any possible PC-based alternative on market. In practice this meant a hardware implementation of RDP on (again, cheap) FPGA, along with Ethernet and KVM functionality onboard. Technically it was perfected really much, in the end overall chip utilization reached ~86% or so, which is kinda outstanding value for typical FPGA based project. The board consumed just around 5W of energy. Manufacturing cost was unprecedentedly low and generally was defined by the core chip (one of Xilinx ones I believe) and could be lowered even more if turned to ASIC, but… that FPGA firmware optimization alone took an extra year of development. Meanwhile Intel released Atom and soon we had netbooks for $150-200 everywhere around, that naturally could be used as that same thin clients and had everything, even a display all-in-one. This killed the project. In total, we produced 20 devices. Who can say the idea wasn’t brilliant? It was. And was worth nothing in the end.


Yeah, ideas alone are worthless. “I have a great idea for a game…” Great, add it to the pile of hundreds of other great ideas for games that I will never get to.

The ability to execute is almost everything. Even the ES example is a good one in a way because the idea on its own meant nothing. You have to have libraries or the ability to create such libraries, the support to properly use them, etc… else it’s just “Yeah, that’s neat” and nothing is ever done with it.

I saw the idea. I was skeptical. I took it apart. I MADE SOMETHING. It was useful. Other people think so too. Now they can inject the idea ready-made into their own apps. But if I had never “MADE SOMETHING” we wouldn’t even be having this conversation.


The ability to execute first, or at least on time, I’d add.

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That depends on how competitive the area is. I wasn’t the first to create an ES library for Java. I did it a bit different (I’d say purer) and gave it to a bunch of monkeys. :slight_smile:

That’s a precious gift of you, but anyway, you were the 1st who made it purer way. I mean the main concept doesn’t have to be totally new, it’s sometimes well enough if you have some unique “sale points” in your implementation. But anyway, “devil is in details”, and details mean real implementation. Nothing less than that.

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I wander what’s the time there in your city. It’s 14:26 here in Wuhan, China.

Wrong. Ideas have to be discussed in order to find the best way to do the best thing with the smallest effort, once you have a commonly accepted plan anyone can work on it.

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Anyone? No. Someone with the skill and motivation? Maybe. Hand that idea to someone without the ability to execute and it’s worth nothing. The person with the ability to execute may not have even needed the idea.

“best thing with the smallest effort” is not even really that important unless competition is high.

The rest of what you say is just “execution details”.

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Hand that idea to someone without the ability to execute and it’s worth nothing. Hand that idea to someone without the ability to execute and it’s worth nothing.

Yeah, well, of course, do you mean i can’t speak about anything on a public forum because somewhere there might be someone who doesn’t have the skills/motivation to do it? Makes no sense imo.

The person with the ability to execute may not have even needed the idea.

Employing time thinking about the problem and a the possible solutions with possibly multiple people doing it simultaneously ending up with different solutions that will be rejected vs someone already thought it all.

“best thing with the smallest effort” is not even really that important unless competition is high.

Best as more suitable for the problem. You usually don’t want to make something overly complex or something that won’t work well.

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I think you sound different areas of the same process. Brainstorming means nothing if you don’t have skilled people to do the job - and, first of all, to estimate possible ways of implementation (those brainstorming outputs). The more skilled those people are - the more accurate the estimate will be - the higher is the probability that anything will be done with the expected results.

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Anyone know if there’s any grants out there for projects such as jMonkeyEngine? Perhaps grants or crowdfunding could secure the maintenance of jME for a year or two. I’m not opposed to donating, since I have little time and expertise to contribute on the very engine of the project. But I have limited resources, so it wouldn’t amount to much. the JME project is fantastic, and could perhaps be ‘sponsored’ in some way ? (namedropping: Oracle)

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