I have been scrubbing the wiki of converting .blend files using the SDK or BinaryExporter .
Its turned out to be a arduous task but I will complete it soon, days so far and more to go.
At the same time I have been implementing some new things and removing stale items. ALOT of stale items.
I figure I should go ahead and give insight on what I want to do after scrubbing the .blend stuff.
We need to make the official jme wiki agnostic of using the SDK. Towards that goal, I plan to move the SDK part to a new repository that will work exactly as the wiki does now and rewrite things that rely on it now in the official engine wiki.
I also want to make the tutorials agnostic of SDK and gear them towards using gradle instead.
This doesn’t mean I want to remove all mentions of the SDK, I just want to make it so that if the SDK has problems with developement, the engine wiki is unaffected and users are not affected like is going on now. I would also like to add links to the jmonkeybuilder but I am not sure @javasabr is still developing it. Not heard from him in awhile on the forum.
Another problem is Ogre. It is no longer viable for use with the engine IMO since its now a pay to use script, or was last I checked, and the free script the engine is built around no longer works with blender 2.8. I shall make a small caveat to this statement in that I have not actually tried to use Ogre with 2.8+ yet, just my researching lead me to believe this is the case.
This would mean that we would need to update the models in test-data since they are heavily reliant on ogre. We need more gltf examples.
I want to implement versioning to the wiki so it can stay inline with the engine. This would allow the current wiki to stay as it is now so I could move forward with the things I mentioned above.
This would take place a little at a time over the next year since this is pretty much a solo adventure and a huge amount of work.
Anyway, input will be listened to so fire way.