WIP:Pirate Hell – final version released – Bug reporting to me!

Oh, and I’ve successfully downloaded the zip archive from the submissions thread… So consider your entry submitted!

pfew… finally two months of madness come to an end. : )

Just the beginning! You still have to fix that resolution issue after the contest :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you planning on continuing the game into the new year?


your game looks great but i cant play it cause of this error

SEVERE: Uncaught exception thrown in Thread[LWJGL Renderer Thread,5,main]

com.jme3.renderer.RendererException: Image format ‘DXT1’ is unsupported by the video hardware.

I must say that I am rather disappointed that there is no sound/music :confused: Any chance you can give us a cool pirate song?

@xieu90: can you give me the full stacktrace please? And what gpu do you have?

@memonick: Yeah, I’m also a little disappointed that there is no sound. I had implemented some but it just sounded like “oh and I have sound, too.”

Let’s say: If the feedback is as positive as I hope (regardless of whether I win the contest ) I will continue with pirateHell. And than there will be sweet piraty sound and music and much other cool stuff.^^

The no-sound-factor will hurt the overall score, so if you have time to find a nice free soundtrack on any site, please put it. Music is important in games, and, unlike a storyline, I judge it - whether there is or not. The other judges will decide for themselves.


Intel GMA 4500 - the same GPU as Momoko_Fan’s one I think

and here is not full stacktrace

it is only a portion of such a long long log.

yle => #Text, width => 300px {menuButtonLarge#Text}, text => , id => largeButton#button-label, y => 0px {menuButtonLarge#Text})



no children elements

[element] (style => menuButtonLarge, name => pirate-button-Large, id => largeButton, width => 300px {menuButtonLarge}, controller => de.ceiphren_Inc.pirateHell.controller.ButtonController, y => 200px, backgroundImage => gui/style/buttonLarge.png {menuButtonLarge}, x => 0px, visibleToMouse => true {menuButtonLarge}, childLayout => absolute, text => delete saves, height => 80px {menuButtonLarge})

(onClick => deleteSaves())


(onStartEffect => onEnter(), name => nop, length => 0)


(onStartEffect => onExit(), name => nop, length => 0)


children elements: 2

[element] (x => 0, height => 80px {menuButtonLarge#hoverImage}, filename => gui/style/buttonLarge_hovered.png {menuButtonLarge#hoverImage}, style => #hoverImage, width => 300px {menuButtonLarge#hoverImage}, visibleToMouse => true, y => 0, id => largeButton#buttonImage)



(end => #f, name => fade, length => 300, start => #0)

(end => #0, name => fade, length => 300, start => #f)

no children elements

[element] (x => 0px {menuButtonLarge#Text}, height => 80px {menuButtonLarge#Text}, font => gui/font/georgia40.fnt {menuButtonLarge#Text}, style => #Text, width => 300px {menuButtonLarge#Text}, text => , id => largeButton#button-label, y => 0px {menuButtonLarge#Text})



no children elements

[element] (style => menuButtonLarge, name => pirate-button-Large, id => largeButton, width => 300px {menuButtonLarge}, controller => de.ceiphren_Inc.pirateHell.controller.ButtonController, y => 300px, backgroundImage => gui/style/buttonLarge.png {menuButtonLarge}, x => 0px, visibleToMouse => true {menuButtonLarge}, childLayout => absolute, text => control, height => 80px {menuButtonLarge})

(onClick => gotoScreen(gamepadConfigScreen))


(onStartEffect => onEnter(), name => nop, length => 0)


(onStartEffect => onExit(), name => nop, length => 0)


children elements: 2

[element] (x => 0, height => 80px {menuButtonLarge#hoverImage}, filename => gui/style/buttonLarge_hovered.png {menuButtonLarge#hoverImage}, style => #hoverImage, width => 300px {menuButtonLarge#hoverImage}, visibleToMouse => true, y => 0, id => largeButton#buttonImage)



(end => #f, name => fade, length => 300, start => #0)

(end => #0, name => fade, length => 300, start => #f)

no children elements

[element] (x => 0px {menuButtonLarge#Text}, height => 80px {menuButtonLarge#Text}, font => gui/font/georgia40.fnt {menuButtonLarge#Text}, style => #Text, width => 300px {menuButtonLarge#Text}, text => , id => largeButton#button-label, y => 0px {menuButtonLarge#Text})



no children elements

[element] (style => menuButtonLarge, name => pirate-button-Large, id => largeButton, width => 300px {menuButtonLarge}, controller => de.ceiphren_Inc.pirateHell.controller.ButtonController, y => 400px, backgroundImage => gui/style/buttonLarge.png {menuButtonLarge}, x => 0px, visibleToMouse => true {menuButtonLarge}, childLayout => absolute, text => quit, height => 80px {menuButtonLarge})

(onClick => gotoScreen(exitScreen))


(onStartEffect => onEnter(), name => nop, length => 0)


(onStartEffect => onExit(), name => nop, length => 0)


children elements: 2

[element] (x => 0, height => 80px {menuButtonLarge#hoverImage}, filename => gui/style/buttonLarge_hovered.png {menuButtonLarge#hoverImage}, style => #hoverImage, width => 300px {menuButtonLarge#hoverImage}, visibleToMouse => true, y => 0, id => largeButton#buttonImage)



(end => #f, name => fade, length => 300, start => #0)

(end => #0, name => fade, length => 300, start => #f)

no children elements

[element] (x => 0px {menuButtonLarge#Text}, height => 80px {menuButtonLarge#Text}, font => gui/font/georgia40.fnt {menuButtonLarge#Text}, style => #Text, width => 300px {menuButtonLarge#Text}, text => , id => largeButton#button-label, y => 0px {menuButtonLarge#Text})



no children elements

(controller => de.ceiphren_Inc.pirateHell.controller.ConfigControlController, id => gamepadConfigScreen)

children layers: 1

[element] (childLayout => center, backgroundImage => gui/menuBackground.png, id => input)



children elements: 1

[element] (height => 500px, valign => center, width => 1000px, childLayout => absolute, align => center, id => controlContainer)



children elements: 5

[element] (height => 500, x => 0, width => 450px, childLayout => absolute, backgroundImage => gui/textBackground.png, y => 0, id => gamePadPanel)



children elements: 12

[element] (x => 50px, font => gui/font/georgia20.fnt, text => gamepad control selected, y => 30px, id => controlText)



no children elements

[element] (x => 240px, font => gui/font/georgia20.fnt, text => no gamepad found, y => 130px, id => gamepadName)



no children elements

[element] (textHAlign => right, x => 260px, font => gui/font/georgia20.fnt, textVAlign => top, text => click on a button to

configure the

related input.

The values has to

be higher -1, y => 300px, id => userinfos)



no children elements

[element] (style => menuButtonNormal, name => pirate-button-normal, id => portSideButton, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal}, controller => de.ceiphren_Inc.pirateHell.controller.ButtonController, y => 240, backgroundImage => gui/style/buttonNormal.png {menuButtonNormal}, x => 40, childLayout => absolute, visibleToMouse => true {menuButtonNormal}, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal}, text => portside)

(onClick => listenToPortside())


(onStartEffect => onEnter(), name => nop, length => 0)


(onStartEffect => onExit(), name => nop, length => 0)


children elements: 2

[element] (x => 0, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, filename => gui/style/buttonNormal_hovered.png {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, style => #hoverImage, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, visibleToMouse => true, y => 0, id => portSideButton#buttonImage)



no children elements

[element] (x => 0px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, font => gui/font/georgia20.fnt {menuButtonNormal#Text}, style => #Text, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, text => , id => portSideButton#button-label, y => -5px {menuButtonNormal#Text})



no children elements

[element] (x => 210px, font => gui/font/georgia20.fnt, y => 265px, id => portSideIndex)



no children elements

[element] (style => menuButtonNormal, name => pirate-button-normal, id => bowSideButton, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal}, controller => de.ceiphren_Inc.pirateHell.controller.ButtonController, y => 300, backgroundImage => gui/style/buttonNormal.png {menuButtonNormal}, x => 40, childLayout => absolute, visibleToMouse => true {menuButtonNormal}, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal}, text => bowside)

(onClick => listenToBowside())


(onStartEffect => onEnter(), name => nop, length => 0)


(onStartEffect => onExit(), name => nop, length => 0)


children elements: 2

[element] (x => 0, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, filename => gui/style/buttonNormal_hovered.png {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, style => #hoverImage, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, visibleToMouse => true, y => 0, id => bowSideButton#buttonImage)



no children elements

[element] (x => 0px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, font => gui/font/georgia20.fnt {menuButtonNormal#Text}, style => #Text, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, text => , id => bowSideButton#button-label, y => -5px {menuButtonNormal#Text})



no children elements

[element] (x => 210px, font => gui/font/georgia20.fnt, y => 325px, id => bowSideIndex)



no children elements

[element] (style => menuButtonNormal, name => pirate-button-normal, id => yAxisButton, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal}, controller => de.ceiphren_Inc.pirateHell.controller.ButtonController, y => 360, backgroundImage => gui/style/buttonNormal.png {menuButtonNormal}, x => 40, childLayout => absolute, visibleToMouse => true {menuButtonNormal}, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal}, text => YAxis)

(onClick => listenToYAxis())


(onStartEffect => onEnter(), name => nop, length => 0)


(onStartEffect => onExit(), name => nop, length => 0)


children elements: 2

[element] (x => 0, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, filename => gui/style/buttonNormal_hovered.png {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, style => #hoverImage, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, visibleToMouse => true, y => 0, id => yAxisButton#buttonImage)



no children elements

[element] (x => 0px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, font => gui/font/georgia20.fnt {menuButtonNormal#Text}, style => #Text, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, text => , id => yAxisButton#button-label, y => -5px {menuButtonNormal#Text})



no children elements

[element] (x => 210px, font => gui/font/georgia20.fnt, y => 385px, id => yAxisIndex)



no children elements

[element] (style => menuButtonNormal, name => pirate-button-normal, id => xAxisButton, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal}, controller => de.ceiphren_Inc.pirateHell.controller.ButtonController, y => 420, backgroundImage => gui/style/buttonNormal.png {menuButtonNormal}, x => 40, childLayout => absolute, visibleToMouse => true {menuButtonNormal}, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal}, text => XAxis)

(onClick => listenToXAxis())


(onStartEffect => onEnter(), name => nop, length => 0)


(onStartEffect => onExit(), name => nop, length => 0)


children elements: 2

[element] (x => 0, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, filename => gui/style/buttonNormal_hovered.png {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, style => #hoverImage, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, visibleToMouse => true, y => 0, id => xAxisButton#buttonImage)



no children elements

[element] (x => 0px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, font => gui/font/georgia20.fnt {menuButtonNormal#Text}, style => #Text, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, text => , id => xAxisButton#button-label, y => -5px {menuButtonNormal#Text})



no children elements

[element] (x => 210px, font => gui/font/georgia20.fnt, y => 445px, id => xAxisIndex)



no children elements

[element] (x => 20, filename => gui/gamepadLayout.png, y => 50)



no children elements

[element] (height => 470, x => 530, width => 350px, childLayout => absolute, backgroundImage => gui/textBackground.png, y => 0, id => mousePanel)



children elements: 2

[element] (x => 50px, font => gui/font/georgia20.fnt, text => mouse control selected, y => 30px, id => controlText)



no children elements

[element] (x => 20, filename => gui/mouseLayout.png, y => 50)



no children elements

[element] (style => menuButtonNormal, name => pirate-button-normal, id => save, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal}, controller => de.ceiphren_Inc.pirateHell.controller.ButtonController, y => 400, backgroundImage => gui/style/buttonNormal.png {menuButtonNormal}, x => 420, childLayout => absolute, visibleToMouse => true {menuButtonNormal}, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal}, text => switch input)

(onClick => changeInput())


(onStartEffect => onEnter(), name => nop, length => 0)


(onStartEffect => onExit(), name => nop, length => 0)


children elements: 2

[element] (x => 0, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, filename => gui/style/buttonNormal_hovered.png {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, style => #hoverImage, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, visibleToMouse => true, y => 0, id => save#buttonImage)



no children elements

[element] (x => 0px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, font => gui/font/georgia20.fnt {menuButtonNormal#Text}, style => #Text, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, text => , id => save#button-label, y => -5px {menuButtonNormal#Text})



no children elements

[element] (style => menuButtonNormal, name => pirate-button-normal, id => save, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal}, controller => de.ceiphren_Inc.pirateHell.controller.ButtonController, y => 510, backgroundImage => gui/style/buttonNormal.png {menuButtonNormal}, x => 240, childLayout => absolute, visibleToMouse => true {menuButtonNormal}, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal}, text => save)

(onClick => save())


(onStartEffect => onEnter(), name => nop, length => 0)


(onStartEffect => onExit(), name => nop, length => 0)


children elements: 2

[element] (x => 0, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, filename => gui/style/buttonNormal_hovered.png {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, style => #hoverImage, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, visibleToMouse => true, y => 0, id => save#buttonImage)



no children elements

[element] (x => 0px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, font => gui/font/georgia20.fnt {menuButtonNormal#Text}, style => #Text, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, text => , id => save#button-label, y => -5px {menuButtonNormal#Text})



no children elements

[element] (style => menuButtonNormal, name => pirate-button-normal, id => save, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal}, controller => de.ceiphren_Inc.pirateHell.controller.ButtonController, y => 510, backgroundImage => gui/style/buttonNormal.png {menuButtonNormal}, x => 600, childLayout => absolute, visibleToMouse => true {menuButtonNormal}, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal}, text => back)

(onClick => gotoScreen(mainMenuScreen))


(onStartEffect => onEnter(), name => nop, length => 0)


(onStartEffect => onExit(), name => nop, length => 0)


children elements: 2

[element] (x => 0, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, filename => gui/style/buttonNormal_hovered.png {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, style => #hoverImage, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, visibleToMouse => true, y => 0, id => save#buttonImage)



no children elements

[element] (x => 0px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, font => gui/font/georgia20.fnt {menuButtonNormal#Text}, style => #Text, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, text => , id => save#button-label, y => -5px {menuButtonNormal#Text})



no children elements

(controller => de.ceiphren_Inc.pirateHell.controller.ChooseMissionScreenController, id => chooseMissionScreen)

children layers: 1

[element] (style => pirate-layerBackground, childLayout => center {pirate-layerBackground}, backgroundImage => gui/menuBackground.png {pirate-layerBackground}, id => inpuLayert)



children elements: 1

[element] (height => 600px, valign => center, style => pirate-inputPanel, width => 1000px, childLayout => absolute, align => center, id => inputPanel)



(end => #f, name => fade, inherit => false, length => 500, start => #0) {pirate-inputPanel}

(end => #0, name => fade, inherit => true, length => 500, start => #f) {pirate-inputPanel}

children elements: 3

[element] (height => 469px, x => 0px, width => 623px, childLayout => absolute, backgroundImage => gui/map.png, y => 80px, id => missionSelectPanel)



children elements: 6

[element] (x => 55px, filename => gui/style/crossedSabers.png {saberbutton-style}, style => saberbutton-style, id => mission1, y => 210px)

(onClick => chooseMission(0))


(filename => gui/style/crossedSabers_hovered.png, name => imageOverlay)

() {saberbutton-style}

no children elements

[element] (x => 195px, filename => gui/style/crossedSabers.png {saberbutton-style}, style => saberbutton-style, id => mission2, y => 110px)

(onClick => chooseMission(1))


(filename => gui/style/crossedSabers_hovered.png, name => imageOverlay)

() {saberbutton-style}

no children elements

[element] (x => 265px, filename => gui/style/crossedSabers.png {saberbutton-style}, style => saberbutton-style, id => mission3, y => 180px)

(onClick => chooseMission(2))


(filename => gui/style/crossedSabers_hovered.png, name => imageOverlay)

() {saberbutton-style}

no children elements

[element] (x => 330px, filename => gui/style/crossedSabers.png {saberbutton-style}, style => saberbutton-style, id => mission4, y => 280px)

(onClick => chooseMission(3))


(filename => gui/style/crossedSabers_hovered.png, name => imageOverlay)

() {saberbutton-style}

no children elements

[element] (x => 450px, filename => gui/style/crossedSabers.png {saberbutton-style}, style => saberbutton-style, id => mission5, y => 215px)

(onClick => chooseMission(4))


(filename => gui/style/crossedSabers_hovered.png, name => imageOverlay)

() {saberbutton-style}

no children elements

[element] (x => 390px, filename => gui/style/redSkull.png {redSkullButton-style}, style => redSkullButton-style, id => mission6, y => 130px)

(onClick => chooseMission(5))


(filename => gui/style/redSkull_hovered.png, name => imageOverlay)

() {redSkullButton-style}

no children elements

[element] (height => 470, x => 650px, width => 350px, childLayout => absolute, backgroundImage => gui/textBackground.png, y => 80px)



children elements: 2

[element] (textHAlign => left, x => 20px, font => gui/font/georgia20.fnt, textVAlign => top, y => 20px, id => briefingField)



no children elements

[element] (style => menuButtonNormal, name => pirate-button-normal, id => startButton, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal}, controller => de.ceiphren_Inc.pirateHell.controller.ButtonController, y => 370, backgroundImage => gui/style/buttonNormal.png {menuButtonNormal}, x => 170, childLayout => absolute, visibleToMouse => true {menuButtonNormal}, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal}, text => ARRRR)

(onClick => startMission())


(onStartEffect => onEnter(), name => nop, length => 0)


(onStartEffect => onExit(), name => nop, length => 0)


children elements: 2

[element] (x => 0, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, filename => gui/style/buttonNormal_hovered.png {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, style => #hoverImage, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, visibleToMouse => true, y => 0, id => startButton#buttonImage)



no children elements

[element] (x => 0px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, font => gui/font/georgia20.fnt {menuButtonNormal#Text}, style => #Text, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, text => , id => startButton#button-label, y => -5px {menuButtonNormal#Text})



no children elements

[element] (style => menuButtonNormal, name => pirate-button-normal, id => backButton, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal}, controller => de.ceiphren_Inc.pirateHell.controller.ButtonController, y => 550, backgroundImage => gui/style/buttonNormal.png {menuButtonNormal}, x => 250, childLayout => absolute, visibleToMouse => true {menuButtonNormal}, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal}, text => main menu)

(onClick => gotoScreen(mainMenuScreen))


(onStartEffect => onEnter(), name => nop, length => 0)


(onStartEffect => onExit(), name => nop, length => 0)


children elements: 2

[element] (x => 0, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, filename => gui/style/buttonNormal_hovered.png {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, style => #hoverImage, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal#hoverImage}, visibleToMouse => true, y => 0, id => backButton#buttonImage)



no children elements

[element] (x => 0px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, height => 60px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, font => gui/font/georgia20.fnt {menuButtonNormal#Text}, style => #Text, width => 140px {menuButtonNormal#Text}, text => , id => backButton#button-label, y => -5px {menuButtonNormal#Text})



no children elements

(controller => de.ceiphren_Inc.pirateHell.controller.ExitScreenController, id => exitScreen)

children layers: 1

[element] (style => pirate-layerBackground, childLayout => center {pirate-layerBackground}, backgroundImage => gui/menuBackground.png {pirate-layerBackground}, id => input)



children elements: 1

[element] (height => 600px, valign => center, style => pirate-inputPanel, width => 300px, childLayout => absolute, align => center)



(end => #f, name => fade, inherit => false, length => 500, start => #0) {pirate-inputPanel}

(end => #0, name => fade, inherit => true, length => 500, start => #f) {pirate-inputPanel}

children elements: 2

[element] (style => menuButtonLarge, name => pirate-button-Large, id => largeButton, width => 300px {menuButtonLarge}, controller => de.ceiphren_Inc.pirateHell.controller.ButtonController, y => 100px, backgroundImage => gui/style/buttonLarge.png {menuButtonLarge}, x => 0px, visibleToMouse => true {menuButtonLarge}, childLayout => absolute, text => quit, height => 80px {menuButtonLarge})

(onClick => exit())


(onStartEffect => onEnter(), name => nop, length => 0)


(onStartEffect => onExit(), name => nop, length => 0)


children elements: 2

[element] (x => 0, height => 80px {menuButtonLarge#hoverImage}, filename => gui/style/buttonLarge_hovered.png {menuButtonLarge#hoverImage}, style => #hoverImage, width => 300px {menuButtonLarge#hoverImage}, visibleToMouse => true, y => 0, id => largeButton#buttonImage)



(end => #f, name => fade, length => 300, start => #0)

(end => #0, name => fade, length => 300, start => #f)

no children elements

[element] (x => 0px {menuButtonLarge#Text}, height => 80px {menuButtonLarge#Text}, font => gui/font/georgia40.fnt {menuButtonLarge#Text}, style => #Text, width => 300px {menuButtonLarge#Text}, text => , id => largeButton#button-label, y => 0px {menuButtonLarge#Text})



no children elements

[element] (style => menuButtonLarge, name => pirate-button-Large, id => largeButton, width => 300px {menuButtonLarge}, controller => de.ceiphren_Inc.pirateHell.controller.ButtonController, y => 200px, backgroundImage => gui/style/buttonLarge.png {menuButtonLarge}, x => 0px, visibleToMouse => true {menuButtonLarge}, childLayout => absolute, text => back, height => 80px {menuButtonLarge})

(onClick => gotoScreen(mainMenuScreen))


(onStartEffect => onEnter(), name => nop, length => 0)


(onStartEffect => onExit(), name => nop, length => 0)


children elements: 2

[element] (x => 0, height => 80px {menuButtonLarge#hoverImage}, filename => gui/style/buttonLarge_hovered.png {menuButtonLarge#hoverImage}, style => #hoverImage, width => 300px {menuButtonLarge#hoverImage}, visibleToMouse => true, y => 0, id => largeButton#buttonImage)



(end => #f, name => fade, length => 300, start => #0)

(end => #0, name => fade, length => 300, start => #f)

no children elements

[element] (x => 0px {menuButtonLarge#Text}, height => 80px {menuButtonLarge#Text}, font => gui/font/georgia40.fnt {menuButtonLarge#Text}, style => #Text, width => 300px {menuButtonLarge#Text}, text => , id => largeButton#button-label, y => 0px {menuButtonLarge#Text})



no children elements

Dec 29, 2011 10:56:40 AM de.lessvoid.nifty.Nifty loadFromFile

INFO: loadFromFile took [900]

Dec 29, 2011 10:56:40 AM de.lessvoid.nifty.Nifty gotoScreen

INFO: gotoScreen [placeHolder]

Dec 29, 2011 10:56:40 AM de.lessvoid.nifty.Nifty gotoScreenInternal

INFO: gotoScreenInternal [placeHolder]

Dec 29, 2011 10:56:40 AM de.lessvoid.nifty.NiftyStopwatch stop

INFO: [0001] .Screen.layoutLayers()

Dec 29, 2011 10:56:40 AM de.lessvoid.nifty.effects.Effect start

INFO: starting effect [(Fade[null])] with customKey [null]

Dec 29, 2011 10:56:40 AM de.lessvoid.nifty.effects.EffectProcessor startEffect

INFO: adding effect as active

Dec 29, 2011 10:56:40 AM de.lessvoid.nifty.NiftyStopwatch stop

INFO: [0002] Screen.startScreen(1)

Dec 29, 2011 10:56:42 AM de.lessvoid.nifty.layout.manager.CenterLayout layoutElements

WARNING: You’re using a centerLayout element but you’ve added more than one child element to it. centerLayout only supports one element! Odd things will happen when used with more than one element :slight_smile:

Dec 29, 2011 10:56:42 AM de.lessvoid.nifty.layout.manager.CenterLayout layoutElements

WARNING: You’re using a centerLayout element but you’ve added more than one child element to it. centerLayout only supports one element! Odd things will happen when used with more than one element :slight_smile:

Dec 29, 2011 10:56:42 AM de.lessvoid.nifty.layout.manager.CenterLayout layoutElements

WARNING: You’re using a centerLayout element but you’ve added more than one child element to it. centerLayout only supports one element! Odd things will happen when used with more than one element :slight_smile:

Dec 29, 2011 10:56:42 AM de.lessvoid.nifty.layout.manager.CenterLayout layoutElements

WARNING: You’re using a centerLayout element but you’ve added more than one child element to it. centerLayout only supports one element! Odd things will happen when used with more than one element :slight_smile:

Dec 29, 2011 10:56:42 AM de.lessvoid.nifty.layout.manager.CenterLayout layoutElements

WARNING: You’re using a centerLayout element but you’ve added more than one child element to it. centerLayout only supports one element! Odd things will happen when used with more than one element :slight_smile:

Dec 29, 2011 10:56:42 AM de.lessvoid.nifty.layout.manager.CenterLayout layoutElements

WARNING: You’re using a centerLayout element but you’ve added more than one child element to it. centerLayout only supports one element! Odd things will happen when used with more than one element :slight_smile:

Dec 29, 2011 10:56:57 AM de.lessvoid.nifty.screen.Screen registerElementId

WARNING: Possible conflicting id [largeButton] detected. Consider making all Ids unique or use #id in control-definitions.

Dec 29, 2011 10:56:57 AM de.lessvoid.nifty.screen.Screen registerElementId

WARNING: Possible conflicting id [largeButton#buttonImage] detected. Consider making all Ids unique or use #id in control-definitions.

Dec 29, 2011 10:56:57 AM de.lessvoid.nifty.screen.Screen registerElementId

WARNING: Possible conflicting id [largeButton#button-label] detected. Consider making all Ids unique or use #id in control-definitions.

Dec 29, 2011 10:56:57 AM de.lessvoid.nifty.screen.Screen registerElementId

WARNING: Possible conflicting id [largeButton] detected. Consider making all Ids unique or use #id in control-definitions.

Dec 29, 2011 10:56:57 AM de.lessvoid.nifty.screen.Screen registerElementId

WARNING: Possible conflicting id [largeButton#buttonImage] detected. Consider making all Ids unique or use #id in control-definitions.

Dec 29, 2011 10:56:57 AM de.lessvoid.nifty.screen.Screen registerElementId

WARNING: Possible conflicting id [largeButton#button-label] detected. Consider making all Ids unique or use #id in control-definitions.

Dec 29, 2011 10:56:57 AM de.lessvoid.nifty.screen.Screen registerElementId

WARNING: Possible conflicting id [largeButton] detected. Consider making all Ids unique or use #id in control-definitions.

Dec 29, 2011 10:56:57 AM de.lessvoid.nifty.screen.Screen registerElementId

WARNING: Possible conflicting id [largeButton#buttonImage] detected. Consider making all Ids unique or use #id in control-definitions.

Dec 29, 2011 10:56:57 AM de.lessvoid.nifty.screen.Screen registerElementId

WARNING: Possible conflicting id [largeButton#button-label] detected. Consider making all Ids unique or use #id in control-definitions.

Dec 29, 2011 10:57:03 AM com.jme3.material.Material checkSetParam

WARNING: Material parameter m_Color uses a deprecated naming convention use Color instead

Dec 29, 2011 10:57:03 AM com.jme3.material.Material checkSetParam

WARNING: Material parameter m_Texture uses a deprecated naming convention use Texture instead

Dec 29, 2011 10:57:03 AM com.jme3.material.Material checkSetParam

WARNING: Material parameter m_PointSprite uses a deprecated naming convention use PointSprite instead

Dec 29, 2011 10:57:03 AM com.jme3.app.Application handleError

SEVERE: Uncaught exception thrown in Thread[LWJGL Renderer Thread,5,main]

com.jme3.renderer.RendererException: Image format ‘DXT1’ is unsupported by the video hardware.

at com.jme3.renderer.lwjgl.TextureUtil.checkFormatSupported(TextureUtil.java:91)

at com.jme3.renderer.lwjgl.TextureUtil.uploadTexture(TextureUtil.java:175)

at com.jme3.renderer.lwjgl.LwjglRenderer.updateTexImageData(LwjglRenderer.java:1879)

at com.jme3.renderer.lwjgl.LwjglRenderer.setTexture(LwjglRenderer.java:1901)

at com.jme3.material.MatParamTexture.apply(MatParamTexture.java:46)

at com.jme3.material.Material.render(Material.java:1009)

at com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager.renderGeometry(RenderManager.java:649)

at com.jme3.post.FilterPostProcessor.renderProcessing(FilterPostProcessor.java:192)

at com.jme3.post.FilterPostProcessor.renderFilterChain(FilterPostProcessor.java:271)

at com.jme3.post.FilterPostProcessor.postFrame(FilterPostProcessor.java:284)

at com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager.renderViewPort(RenderManager.java:1122)

at com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager.render(RenderManager.java:1160)

at com.jme3.app.SimpleApplication.update(SimpleApplication.java:266)

at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop(LwjglAbstractDisplay.java:149)

at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop(LwjglDisplay.java:178)

at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.run(LwjglAbstractDisplay.java:223)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)

@xieu90: the exception-trace at the end is enough ^^

Yeah that’s an issue that I have with intel-gpus. I think that’s a problem with the sky-textures. I store them in a .dds-file which seems to need the DXT-1-Format. And it looks like that this format isn’t supported by gma-chips.

You can try to update the gpu-driver.

The openwar-team has a similar problem here:


Found any good soundtrack ceiphren?

Sorry, I’m 500 kilometers away from my workplace and my notebook is not strong enough for reliable testing (it’s just an emergency solution if somebody find a really heavy bug).

Here is the soundtrack I thought about:


It’s epic, it’s fast, I like it. Maybe I’m going to buy a commercial license of this one. It sounds really great.

Nice i like this music, could very well fit in your game yes!

About the DXT1 issue, you can check if the hardware supports it, and if it doesn’t, use a fallback texture (low res jpg maybe). Also if its the skybox cubemap you can use it uncompressed, but you’ll have to reduce its resolution too, to avoid it to use too much memory.

to check the capability :


if( GL11.glGetString(GL11.GL_EXTENSIONS).contains(“GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc”)){

System.out.println(“yay \o/”);



But i’m afraid in the case of the intel GMA, it’s the first issue of a very long list you may encounter. Also I’m almost certain that it can’t handle the water filter’s shader.

Nice work! Looks really good and like you spent a lot of time on the graphics and effects. Interesting game-play too.

One bug that should be obvious is that ships do not collide off each other. But surely that’s easy to fix. :slight_smile:

@geekdenz: Thank you. I’m always happy when somebody tells me that he likes it.^^

The solution for the collision-problem depends on what you want. A simple collision-test could solve it but it would cause some funny behaviors because the path-finding and the collision test don’t work together. What makes this so tricky? Sailing ships cannot turn in place. They have to move. And if they collide, they would normally cause a crash.

I’m currently searching for a more intelligent way. A ship should predict collisions before they happen and should change the course which is tricky when there are 10 or 20 ships on the field.

Well maybe I’ll throw all that overboard. The whole gameplay is pure arcade so maybe it doesn’t make sense to think about such details. We’ll see.

the interesting thing is: there is not one game that solves the collision-calculation for sail ships in a satisfying way. Not even Total War: Napoleon, which has in my opinion the best sail ship fights I’ve ever seen (damn they are really epic. These broadsides are like music ^^ ).

