Wipeout style physics

Hello !

I’m coding a wipe-out clone, and I wanted to know if the jme3 physic vehicle is suitable for this kind of physics ? I suppose so. I wanted to know best practices for this kind of physic. If you have any experience or clues, help is welcome !

Thanks by advance,


My assumption is physics is/are physics. You’ll just have to set kinetic responses to collision appropriately…

I assume your talking about the way the ship/car/whatever hovered and bounced?

You may want to consider 2 separate collision shapes.

The outer shape would ramp the kinetic force down until reversing a percentage effect

The inner shape would ramp the kinetic force down until reversing a percentage effect

This should create the bounce I think you’re talking about.

Hm I dont think they used real physics for this, I would not sue the vehicle, but make a trace down and just place the vehicel given the trace normal then.