Anyone competing in Ludum Dare 40?

I was so busy working on my game I never thought to check the forums. :chimpanzee_evil: I saw a few of your blog posts in the feed while I was working. GL on all your projects, I’ve been up since the jam started so I think it’s nap time. My games mostly ready, I’m debating putting it in for the compo or not, will know for sure in a few hours I suppose.

Either way I’ll work on getting the source for this up so you guys can have a laugh at just how ugly some of my code is. Not the cleanest game I’ve ever written, but it works for now and that’s all that matters :chimpanzee_cool:


Presenting our enemy model :rabbit2:


That tie really…ties it all together.


And now also ingame

@MoffKalast The idea was that the main character would be a business robot, so it would have to have a tie. However we just couldn’t come up with a good concept, but we thought that we simply have to put a tie somewhere.


Here is my game:


Lol man very slick, congrats!!
There are a couple of typos in your ludum dare intro. (has been his by an asteroid / beware of other creates)

I tried the game, And it’s fun, the ambiance is really there. The intro cinematic is really nice. The game itself is fun. There is a lot of mario feeling to it and it works (sound effects helps to). Though maybe it’s a bit too hard. The fact that there is only 1 hole each time to go up really makes it difficult to me. Maybe a something more progressive would have helped. Though I guess in one week end you don’t have much room to balance difficulty :stuck_out_tongue:
Anyway awesome work as always!!

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Thanks a million @nehon.

For me there is also something missing in the game. O’well maybe I will do better next time.
I did not have time to sort out all those fine details.
Yesterday I only had 5 hours to work on it and I was feeling very tired.

How many time did you spend on it overall?

Well I did a quick calculation and it seems like it was ± 22 hours in total.

My entry :slight_smile:


Played and voted, I really like the mood of this piece. The background really sells the story and everything plays so well. I was having fun on a run, about 30 some little guys in my pouch when I went to shoot a big guy and hit a little guy instead XD did not expect friendly fire!

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Nice, it’s amazingly polished for such a quick venture. The death rgb split effect is especially awesome.

Though I’m (oddly) getting some stutters here and there that make gameplay a bit infuriating.

Thanks for the feedback.

O and here is my code in case anyone wants to have a look.

Hi @QSDragon,

First of well done on getting the game completed in the short time.
Some things that stood out:

  1. I like the art style of the game.
  2. Instructions were simple but understandable.

What would make it better:

  1. I would add more gravity to the player.
  2. Increase movement speed.
  3. Sometimes the goblins fell of the platform.

Other than that I love the idea.

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And we are done!

The art is as stupid as it gets, but the game should be playable. Be warned though, it get’s very hard at the end. It is possible to win though.



Should be fixed, for some reason ludum dare changes the url after you publish and relog

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The idea of the game was solid and I can see a lot of potential with this game.
I did notice that it needs a lot of finishing touches.
For a team with 1 third development experience you did good.

Yeah, needs a lot of finishing, but we focused on features. And even then we ran out of time, one more tower had to be cut.

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Finally bothered to put together an explanation video / trailer for our game since the game contains no actual tutorial.

I’m early I know :smiley: