Big leap from basic, intermediate and advanced exercises to a basic game
I went through the book and the online exercises and found that, when I actually started to make a game and was adding controls and appStates, I had almost no idea of how to do it. I also ran into the ‘modifying the scene graph from another thread’ and thought that, at this point, I should have a good idea of the strategy of how to give input without it happening at the wrong time. I’d like to see if anyone has upgraded MonkeyZone so that it is a better learning tool. I know it was done in a short amount of time.
For example:
- All input has to set a state (yawRight=true) that gets processed in the spatial’s controlUpdate(float fps) code. MonkeyZone does it but, it could be more clear.
- I wanted to add networking to my space flight sim. I thought I could just add a NetworkEnable as a base class and found that it took a lot of work. In the end, I rewrote the whole class. I added the third dimension and combined the moveX, moveY, moveZ into move(linearVelocity.mult(tpf)) and turnX, turnY, turnZ into rotate(angularVelocity.mult(tpf)). I ended up duplicating all the functions that operate on spatials; move(float), rotate(float).
- I still want to have players come and go from a running game instead of having them join at the same time and have the game die when they all leave.
Before I do all this, has anyone else done it?