I believe that there is some overlapping on the goals of Galago and MonkeySheet (my library), so I think we might join forces. First of all, what is the license under which galago is distributed?
It is for 3.0… have you considered to upgrade to jme 3.1?
Also it uses the android.* libraries which (I think) require a netbeans plugin which in turn isn’t compatible with 3.1 (at least the SDK tells me so)? Can anybody confirm?
Well yes I have considered it and it is being planned but not worked on now for 3.1.
Also, yes it requires android because It also gives the user the ability for some cool functionality when is inherited by my android class. You have access to lots of features for admob stuff, camera support, device tilting, etc.
Also Midi music support.
Here is how you use it, just extends the My AbstractGameActivity class as follows:
I’ve played it for a while now (and I never play mobile games) and found a bug.
First, every time I launch the game now, it seems the water (or some blueish quad) is right on level with the ground. The ground is visible as a shadow through the quad.
Eventually (after a couple of plays), the ground is not visible anymore and all I see is the blue quad. The game becomes unplayable then (or at least a lot more difficult). Restarting the app takes me back to the first issue.
It worked fine the first few times I played. Nexus 5X, Android 7.0
Have you considered splitting galago in several libraries? It does a lot of stuff as it tries to do everything but if I want to mix and match (for example with my library) I have to hunt down what a Tween is etc.
Also, the wiki is intended for end users.
For example, I would put android support on a separate library. Physics support on a separate library. The same for GUI support, samples etc. And then have a galago lib that requires all the other to work.
Second, I am not planning on splitting this project at all. This is a framework I made to make my way of work easier and love how everything fits together. So for now it is all or nothing, but I have no problem if you want to pull stuff and reuse some of my code.