(February 2018) Monthly WIP screenshot thread

My brain read “job” instead of “blob” the first time and I was pleasantly confused. lol


Pre-premiere screening of our second development video.
Here you’ll see how our level editor works.


I added a new weapon to my game: a lightning weapon that gains an electrical charge each time you hit an enemy. It does more damage the more charged it is, and it can also release its current charge to create a big lightning explosion ability.

I made my first ever shader which creates a lightning effect surrounding the blade of the weapon. Here’s a screenshot of the weapon at 5% charge, as well as at 100% charged.

This was also my first time doing anything with noise, but I managed to make this effect based off of the math in this helpful link that I bookmarked a long while back when I saw @jayfella share it - thanks for sharing :slightly_smiling_face: Science and Fiction - GLSL noise functions


New object in game: ressurector.

WIP, particles and pause after closing would be added later. Just to show the idea and a nice shader effect :wink:


As a precursor to refactoring BitmapText at some point, I made a TestBitmapFontLayout test in the standard JME example suite.

It looks like this:

It will be tremendously helpful in determining correct behavior in the future… we’ve already kind of found a bug in Hiero’s padded fonts using this. So three is that. :wink:


This is so Dungeon Master <3

I think that it’s a final version:


I’ve been working on a very standard quest log. The quest system isn’t there yet so this is just frontend with dummy quest slots.

I did have to just about threaten lemur with a very big gun to get it to cooperate…and the info text on the right side still doesn’t want to adapt to total text height changes because something doesn’t want to update as usual, but close enough.

I guess Lemur has that going for it, out of all the GUI libs for jme in existence it gives me the least headaches, but they’re still pretty strong.

The mouse slides around a bit, that’s due to my gif recorder.


Well, I can say with certainty that it’s also the 100% best supported here.

However, I can’t guess at peoples’ issues… so problems unreported are problems never resolved, eh?

Edit: your UI is really beautiful, though. :slight_smile:


Trying to put together a handy cheat sheet on what the values in the Angel Code font files mean:

I still need to add a section on kerning.


Yeah I know, I’ll see if I can find some time to make an independent test case sometime soon :slight_smile:

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Working on making the game have a variety of parts, here’s the new “Armimi” chassis part set!
What do you think?


Looks cool!
Do you have any plans to make the control panel more interesting? Looks pretty plain right now.

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About the control panel: No ideas right now, do you have any suggestions?
EDIT: Any suggestions and criticism on the UI and graphical style in general would be appreciated!


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I felt like editing something :stuck_out_tongue:


Here are my two cents:

  • why not have a larger screen?

  • replace blank space with moar buttons, levers, bars, dials and stuff - if you can show it there then the monitors can be less cluttered

  • your graphical style is low poly with solid colors so you should probably keep that in the gui as well (and not do what I did in the bottom right screen with the gradient haha), though one of the main fundamentals of this type of style is high quality lighting and shadows so perhaps you could add some fake SSAO in the hud if you can’t have shadows directly

Also you can probably get your ideas right from google:


etc. :slight_smile:

Unrelated, I upgraded the warp effect a bit:


To make it more like… well. You know.

Observing NPC ships doing it looks even better but I haven’t managed to capture that yet.



It’s like someone shot it out of a gun :stuck_out_tongue:


The warp effects are really cool.

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Wow, this looks really exciting! :+1:

The whole game is really cool :wink:


Wow! Thanks! I think I’ll change it to be like that!
On another note, the “gradient” on the bottom right was not on purpose, but actually supposed to be pixelated.

And, wow, your warp effect is cool. I think I’ll have to buy your game after all! :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: May I ask how you achieved the radar? Isn’t exactly easy to do that with GameMaker (using it as sprite editor).

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Using GameMaker…for…image editing? That’s possible? Well you learn something new every day.

Well I would certainly suggest finding yourself one of the many free image editors. I use Paint.NET for about 95% of work myself, with a horde of plugins. If you use Linux I hear Pinta is similar or Gimp if you’re desparate :stuck_out_tongue: Otherwise Krita is multiplatform, but quite complex.

For the radar, I just took one of my explosion disk textures, duplicated it a few times and shrunk each layer a bit more, then added the lines. The field of view area is just a quarter of a circle, rotated 45 degrees.

Here are some approximately the same textures if it helps:

CC0 and all that.

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