I have Started A Youtube Channel as a complete beginner to Document my Learning Process

So yeah. I’ve started posting on my Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0tdswsJj90TePHeUXAX1Hg where I showcase what I have done while learning this game engine. I have basic experience with java and I am now taking a java course at university. I hope this might be interesting to some of you


Welcome to jme community, nice work, when you start a project you can also showcase the progress on the Monthly WIP thread too, for example:

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Thank you. I will keep this in mind for any projects I might want to share

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Dont mind to share the dead end or wrong approaches too.
My last progress showed me, that I might have done partly unessecary changes in my fork.
I had a small discussion in forum about what could be the best/better approaches and said: I also do it in forum, so others might see and learn from it.
So your documentary may not even help yourself but also others.


Thank you very much for that. I will try to add to the learning process. Seeing as I just started, I might be able to help those starting out too.

Welcome! I’m glad to see this, and I’ll have a look at some of your videos as I have a chance. Best of luck with your learning endeavors!