Let’s discuss jMonkeyEngine 3.4

Hi! I would like to help also although I don’t usually have too much daily spare time.

Are you planning on releasing 3.4 in the next three weeks?

About the milestone, there’s no much issues assigned, are you defining it or may we propose pending issues also? In fact I would love to see my ios related improvements merged and included in 3.4 :stuck_out_tongue:

About the SDK, wasn’t Darkchaos in charge of it? If noone wants to work on it I could give it a try. Personally I prefer using the SDK as it’s netbeans based and you have the scene editor to any other IDE

I could also help with java code issues, basic to medium shader stuff, android and obviously testing issues and PRs. Also I could help updating the documentation but I find it really boring


Thanks for communicating your desire to help.

I don’t yet have a target date in mind for 3.4.0-stable. Perhaps we need one. Or perhaps we’ll just release it when it seems ready.

I would like to publish a 3.4.0-alpha1 Engine in the the coming week or 2, for several reasons:

  • to test automated publishing to MavenCentral via Sonatype OSSRH (which is not yet implemented),
  • to encourage broader testing of the Engine, and
  • to build some momentum toward a 3.4.0-stable release.

Anyone with the necessary GitHub privileges can target issues or PRs to the “v3.4.0” milestone. Suggestions are welcome.

If @Darkchaos wants to be in charge of the v3.4 SDK, I expect him to say so publicly. If he doesn’t, I hope he’ll at least advise you what needs to be done.


@joliver82 I added your iOS gl3 PR to the 3.4.0 milestone.

By the way, do you have any interest to take a look at the android sound issue?


@sgold you will cut the 3.4.0 from the current master, yes?

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Thanks for the information @sgold and for adding the PR to the milestone @Ali_RS

The android sound issue has been in my personal roadmap for a while. Just after finishing some testing (and fixing if required) on the ios stuff I’ll get into it. Not sure if I’ll be able to solve because native code and jni are not my main strenghts but I’ll try


@sgold I would like to get the following PRs into 3.4.0:

But at the moment 1443 is blocked by 1466. After 1466 is merged in then I can rebase and fix 1443. But I think that 1466 still needs some additional testing by someone in the community and I think @Markil3 still has a couple changes on it.


I see, thank you. By the way, you can also revert it back to build natives from an older version (afaik the ones used for 3.3.0-alpha2 or earlier are working fine) if you do not want to go through the pain of native code. :slightly_smiling_face:


you will cut the 3.4.0 from the current master, yes?

When we freeze the feature set for v3.4, a “v3.4” branch should be created from the “master” branch. (I think this should happen in mid-March.)

Prior to branch creation:

  • v3.4 alpha releases may be made directly from the “master” branch

After branch creation:

  • releases related to v3.4 (including alpha, beta, and stable) should be built from the “v3.4” branch
  • PRs will continue to be integrated into the “master” branch
  • fixes can be cherry-picked from “master” into “v3.4”, but no new features should be added there

I’d like to help with some stuff, but I have a little experience with the engine yet, so maybe later.
The question is following:
Do someone wants to create wiki documentation for the new animation system? It can come in handy for many newbies.


Sorry for disappearing for awhile. I just got one fix for 1466 done. There is something I don’t understand about one of @sgold’s comments on that one, though, so I’m just waiting for him to re-review it.

Since we are working on 3.4, there is a major change to @pspeed’s gamepad mapping API that I’ve been working on. It still needs a few more tests on my end, though, before I’m comfortable enough to make a pull request. Is there a time that you would like me to have it in by?

EDIT: Nevermind, the issue’s been resolved. Both should be good to go as soon as @sgold approves them.

EDIT 2: Finished the mapping overhaul. We’ll need to go over the changes, but it is at least out there.


I have also been using the SDK. Although it is currently not possible to directly build an Android gradle project, the SDK seems to have added the function of gradle management project. This is a good thing. The biggest advantage is that the SDK can easily manage assets, make levels and compile Desktop, Mobile (Android/IOS) with one click. :wink: :+1:

In fact I fixed the vehicle editor a month ago :wink:

But I haven’t submitted the code yet, because the current vehicle editor has many areas that need to be improved.


Need, anyone is welcome to help! :+1:

I saw gradle basic game template in latest SDK but I’ve not used it still, my projects are still jme3.2 based. My plan indeed was to update them and also try using gradle build for all targets

Awesome job with the vehicle editor! :wink:

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Running late due to a back injury, but I think JME is now ready for a 3.4.0-alpha1 release.

Engine v3.4 remains open for new features, for at least another week.

When searching for urgent issues, please consider not only the “v3.4.0” milestone but also “LWJGLv3 issues” as well. GitHub does not allow an issue to have 2 milestones at the same time.


v3.4.0-alpha1 build and deployment ran without fatal errors. Deployment to GitHub Pages, GitHub Releases, and Bintray/JCenter worked fine. 136 items were published to JCenter. I verified some bugfixes and discovered a minor regression (1477) in jme3-core.

Deployment to Sonatype failed during signature validation. During the “Deploy Release” job at GitHub Actions, all signing tasks were skipped. Root cause appears to be that the signing key and password weren’t specified during deployment. (log files) Intention was not to rebuild artifacts during deployment, but that’s what happened. I’ll think about how best to resolve this issue.

Sonatype also flagged issues with all 17 POMs:

  • Project name missing,
  • Project description missing,
  • Project URL missing,
  • License information missing,
  • SCM URL missing,
  • Developer information missing

The v3.4.0-alpha1 POMs at JCenter are also missing this info, so there’s no point trying to sync v3.4.0-alpha1 to MavenCentral. However, adding this information to the POMs (in the next alpha build) looks straightforward.


If you’d like an extra pair of hands getting those pieces of information into the generated POMs I’d be happy to help!

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Thank you. However, that fix is already committed. I hope to release v3.4.0-alpha2 during the coming week.

You, @richtea, @Pavl_G, and others should start testing the alpha1 release. If you notice anything that doesn’t seem right, please open an issue at GitHub.


sorry i mightn’t have an up-to-date info in mind, what are the new features & issues at all that is introduced to jme3.4.0-alpha , so i can focus on them after running normal testing .

Also , do you have a gradle dependency for ? so i can test it easily on android & the pi ?

thank you .


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okay it’s in , i have checked it.