
Yesterday I spend some time going through jme and Monkey World 3d. It is a very impressive piece of work!!! I would very much like to spend some more time on jme and Monkey World 3d.

I managed to create and save a level in Monkey World 3d. Now I would like to load the level into jme, but it seems that Monkey World 3d stores the level in a slightly different xml format than the one jme uses for loading a screen. I am thinking about making a small converter, but then again, Monkey World 3d already includes functionality to load levels and initial jme. Would it be easy to retrieve the relevant code from Monkey World 3d? If this is the case, are you planning to release the code?

benja said:

Yesterday I spend some time going through jme and Monkey World 3d. It is a very impressive piece of work!!! I would very much like to spend some more time on jme and Monkey World 3d.

I managed to create and save a level in Monkey World 3d. Now I would like to load the level into jme, but it seems that Monkey World 3d stores the level in a slightly different xml format than the one jme uses for loading a screen. I am thinking about making a small converter, but then again, Monkey World 3d already includes functionality to load levels and initial jme. Would it be easy to retrieve the relevant code from Monkey World 3d? If this is the case, are you planning to release the code?


one other thing is the skybox disappearing when fog is enabled a jme thing or a bug

I recently saw a way to creating skydomes for D3 I gonig to try it with jme over the weekend and see what happens, would consider adding controllers for texture scrolling

Fog is a GL thing.  if the back of the fog (where the fog is considered so dense you can't see through it) is nearer in distance than the skybox/dome then it will effectively "disappear" when fog is enabled.  Can you monkey (excuse the pun) with the settings at all?

yeah I tried lots of settings even set the density to .01, had no  luck , I was going for early morning mist

Actually you need to play with the start and end params.  Does MW3D give you access to that?

renanse said:

Actually you need to play with the start and end params.

Hi every one, thanks alot for using MW3D,

Regarding the fog and sky box, i think we have something wrong here, we have restricted the Fog end distance to be 500, which i think its not right, also the x, y, z Extent to 700 ( hardcoded this) at the creation, and you just can't play with the params of the sky box yet, i will try to fix this when getting home.

Regarding the source, we will publish the link so soon so that every one can just download it.

Ok, well that would explain it.  :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for your work on this.  I had been working on a similar effort.  Yours is much further along.

Couple of questions:

  1. Are you looking for people to help with development?
  2. How can we communicate about MonkeyWorld3d?  Can there be a forum under jmonkey forums, similar to the physics engine?
  3. can you add the libs to the cvs (I did a CVS snapshot, then dropped the jar, so I am ok).

    Personal Interest:
  4. I am working with the latest jme under swt release 3.1 (for eclpise 3.1).  I dropped these libs in my CVS project, and found a couple of simple issues.

    Fix #1:  AbstractTree  : add this function to the class to allow sub classing of swt Tree


    protected void checkSubclass() {


    Thank you very much,

Fix #2  (error in eclipse 3.1, fuzzy in 3.0)

In my quest to get eclipse 3.1 going, I got a ClassCastException,

The canvas was getting a GridData assigned to it, and the code was looking

for FillData.  I did a google and found a 3.0->3.1 incompatibility issue.  They

tightened up the data that you can associate with FillData, I attached the blurb at the end of the post.

The fix is easy, just don't attach gridData to the Jme Canvas in the SwtDisplaySystem.

This brings up the system, but I am not quite there yet.

Very good job on this project guys.

fixed code in SwtDisplaySystem
public SWTJMECanvas createCanvas(int width, int height, Composite parent) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
parent.setLayout(new FillLayout());

renderer = new SWTRenderer(width, height);

SWTJMECanvas canvas = new SWTJMECanvas(parent,SWT.NO_REDRAW_RESIZE);
// eclipse 3.1 canvas.setLayoutData(new 
        //  GridData(org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData.FILL_BOTH));

  End code

start of eclipse manual info

15. ClassCastException using FillLayout

What is affected: Plug-ins that incorrectly use FillLayout.

Description: In Eclipse 3.0, no layout data was associated with the FillLayout and if an application assigned layout data to a child that was managed by a FillLayout, it was ignored. In Eclipse 3.1, support was added to FillLayout to cache size information in order to improve resize performance. The cached data is stored in a FillData object associated with each child managed by the FillLayout. If an application has incorrectly assigned layout data to a child, a ClassCastException will be thrown when computeSize is called on the parent.

Action required: Find any children in a FillLayout that have layout data assigned and stop assigning the layout data.

Well GymShoe you have been busy.

I like that you are actually playing with the editor and that makes me happy.

We are always open for help on the editor. Our goal is to build such a stable and proper

jMe game editor, so that all designers can use it.

You are more than welcome to join the development of the project.

You can just post any code changes or additions you have on here or best is if you can send

it to me or Ourrunner.

We will look at the code and commit if we feel it is fit for the editor!

I am going to ask Mojo if he can create us a main jME forum section just for the editor, maybe he will

agree on this!


First, let me say how excited and thankful I am that you two have been hammering out this game editor.  Excellent work.

Second, until reading these posts I too was working on a custom game editor and found the theory and principles of UnrealED to be the most game centric design available.  tGiantLabs and Outrunner; I strongly recommend that you guys, and everyone, watch the Tim Sweeney presentation titled Game Technology and Content Creation for the Next Generation at  My highlevel view comparisson of Unreal Engine/UnrealED and jME/MonkeyWorld3D is that the feature set of the jME can one day be maximized by MonkeyWorld3D as each release occurs.  For example: when jME release .10 is due its feature set and all previous would be available via gui controls in MonkeyWorld3d.  Yes, I do realize that getting MonkeyWorld3D fully up-to-speed will take time, but Tim Sweeney shows how far a small group of dedicated developers can take an editor.

Mastering Unreal Technology : The Art of Level Design by Jason Busby is another source for analysis that may help.


Swing Into Action

Thanks digitalntburn for the nice stuff, its realy incouraging to see you guys like the editor.

Well you may have already seen this, but we are officialy announcing the source code for

the MonkeyWorld3D, you can check it our from here.

What is new in the CVS, is that scaling Gizmo realy works nice, you can

scale the entity just by selecting it, and toggle the scale button from the toolbar,

and start scaling it, also their is an initial Material edting stuff.

We are working on some updates for the editor, and will commit that asap.

Please let us know what do you think.

Thanks all.


I'd like to start writing a MonkeyWorld3D User Guide to help take some work off you and tGiantLabs plate.  Do you have anything started that I should work from or should I just start from scratch?

Thanks alot digitalntburn for the offer, its realy nice from you. I love this spirit.

Well we have something alread written for the MonkeyWorld3D; you don't have to start from scratch, and we would love to improve it.

PM, you contact information to send you the doc file.

Thank you alot.

One word about the editor. AWESOME.

You really did a great job. As digitalntburn quoted: the editor shows

how far a small group of dedicated developers can take an editor.

Well thanks for the great comments.

This editor is our ambition and dedication.

We would really like to improve on it, so if there is

any requirments from you, please let us know!



The only thing that jumped out at me was a thought about games and levels in general.  The first thing that's done with MonkeyWorld3D is to create a new or load an existing level.  However, it's kind of an orphaned level.  As a future feature would it be possible to maintain a listing of game projects and their associated levels (all stored on the filesystem in groups)?

So, to use Per and Marble Fun for example, his project list might look like this when selecting a level to load:

Project: Marble Fun  Levels to Load: 001, 002, 003, etc.

Project: Marble Fun Part 2: A Rolling Sequel  Levels to Load: 001, 002, 003, etc.

This way Per could work on levels specific to each game but have them grouped logically both in the editor and filesystem.

Ultimately, we can do this in the current version by saving levels to game specific directories.  My thought is that having the editor maintain a listing of game levels it would be easier to have the editor generate code to link levels, build a game, etc.  Future hopes I know.

This sounds fair enought, but I think with the current framework you

can just use the change workspace menuitem, select the directory wherre the levels

are located and your workspace will change to that!

You'r sugestion will be considered in the future releases of MW3D!


Hey I found an error:  when you have created a scene and you go, file new, it asks you if you want to save and if you say NO then it doesnt give you a new scene.