New SkyControl releases

so, how to solve your problem in the result?

Are you asking me? Or Thoced?

sorry, I asked @thoced :slight_smile:

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Using the update of Skycontrol 0.9.12


Version 0.9.13 of SkyControl is now ready. The old SkyControl constructor is now deprecated, as promised.


Sorry for bumping this thread

@sgold any way I can use SkyControl with PBRLighting ?

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Sorry, SkyControl is not compatible with PBRā€”or even with gamma correction.

SkyControl has been in a holding pattern for over a year now. I havenā€™t even rebuilt the library for JME v3.2.3 yet!

By the way, the current release is v0.9.17 .

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I was able to make it work in my PBR scene using the solution provided here:

I am updating FilterColor with AmbientColor value getting from SkyControl.

Here is my code in case anyone interested

     * Wrapper state for SkyControl
     * @author Ali-RS
    public class SkyState extends BaseAppState {

        private TimeOfDay timeOfDay;
        private SkyControl sc;
        private final Vector4f pbrAmbient = new Vector4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
        private final MatParamOverride overrideFilterColor = new MatParamOverride(VarType.Vector4, "FilterColor", pbrAmbient);;

        public SkyState() {

        public TimeOfDay getTimeOfDay() {
            return timeOfDay;

        public SkyControl getSkyControl() {
            return sc;

        protected void initialize(Application app) {
            this.timeOfDay = new TimeOfDay(9);
            LightingState lightingState = getState(LightingState.class, true);

            sc = new SkyControl(app.getAssetManager(), app.getCamera(), 0.7f, StarsOption.Cube, true);
            Node rootNode = ((SimpleApplication) app).getRootNode();


            String Clouds_L = "Textures/skies/Clouds_L.png";
            sc.getCloudLayer(0).setTexture(Clouds_L, 1f);
            sc.getCloudLayer(1).setTexture(Clouds_L, 1.5f);

            sc.setLunarDiameter(FastMath.DEG_TO_RAD * 8);
            sc.setSolarDiameter(FastMath.DEG_TO_RAD * 7);

            int numSamples = app.getContext().getSettings().getSamples();
            BloomFilter bloom = Misc.getFpp(app.getViewPort(), app.getAssetManager(), numSamples)
            if (bloom != null) {

        protected void cleanup(Application app) {
            timeOfDay = null;
            sc = null;

        protected void onEnable() {

        protected void onDisable() {

        public void update(float tpf) {
            ColorRGBA color = sc.getUpdater().getAmbientLight().getColor();
            pbrAmbient.set(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
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Iā€™ve decided to dust off SkyControl and work on it some more. In preparation, Iā€™ve split it off into its own GitHub repository: GitHub - stephengold/SkyControl: A sky simulation library for jMonkeyEngine (code has New BSD license)


@sgold If you are working on SkyControl: two changes that I would like to see made:

  1. Fix the issue where SkyControl crashes on Android, because Android does not like GLSL110. The fix seems to be to change it to GLSL100. There is a thread in the forums about this issue.
  2. Make the direction of north/south configurable, instead of it being hardcoded that positive x is north. There is a thread I raised on the forums about that too. Perhaps allow 4 different options (e.g. positive x is either north, east, south or west)
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Please provide a link to the forum thread.

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I was inactive for most of 2015. I donā€™t recall seeing that thread before and was unaware of the Android issue until you mentioned it. Iā€™m very grateful to you for pointing it out.

Iā€™ve updated all the material definitions to specify GLSL100 instead of GLSL110. Iā€™ve tested it on my desktop. If someone with an Android development environment would test the change there and report back, Iā€™d be grateful.

And then Iā€™ll address the coordinate-system issue.

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I tested my app with the current master branch and the issues I had with version 0.9.26 on Android are fixed.


Thanks for the quick turnaround on my request for Android testing.

I have a hunch that if I simply made the ā€œnorthā€ axis configurable, someone else would request that the ā€œupā€ axis be made configurable as well. So I took your suggestion a step further and made the world coordinate system fully configurable.

The following public methods have been added to the SunAndStars class:

     * Convert horizonal coordinates to world coordinates.
     * @param northing the northward component
     * @param height the upward component
     * @param easting the eastward component
     * @param storeResult storage for the result (modified if not null)
     * @return a vector in world coordinates (either storeResult or a new
     * vector)
    Vector3f convertToWorld(float northing, float height, float easting,
            Vector3f storeResult);

     * Convert the specified rotation from horizontal coordinates to world
     * coordinates.
     * @param rotation (not null, modified)
    void convertToWorld(Quaternion rotation);

     * Determine the direction to the east horizon.
     * @param storeResult storage for the result (modified if not null)
     * @return a unit vector in world coordinates (either storeResult or a new
     * vector)
    Vector3f eastDirection(Vector3f storeResult);

     * Determine the direction to the north horizon.
     * @param storeResult storage for the result (modified if not null)
     * @return a direction vector in world coordinates (either storeResult or a
     * new vector)
    Vector3f northDirection(Vector3f storeResult);

     * Redefine the world coordinate system relative to the horizon.
     * @param north the desired north direction (in world coordinates, not null,
     * length>0, unaffected, default=(1,0,0))
     * @param up the desired up direction (in world coordinates, not null,
     * length>0, orthogonal to north, unaffected, default=(0,1,0))
    void setAxes(Vector3f north, Vector3f up);

     * Determine the direction to the zenith.
     * @param storeResult storage for the result (modified if not null)
     * @return a unit vector in world coordinates (either storeResult or a new
     * vector)
    Vector3f upDirection(Vector3f storeResult);

Please let me know whether (or not) the latest changes meet your needs.



I added this line

skyControl.getSunAndStars().setAxes(new Vector3f(0,0,-1),new Vector3f(0,1,0));

to make positive x == East.

Thank you very much for making these changes.

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This is good news! Iā€™m using it in my product and think it is an important component for JME. Thanks!

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Just updated to newest - I think the configurable coordinate systems will come in handy!

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SkyControl v0.9.28 has been released, with all the latest changes:


Well, that was short-livedā€¦ time to bump the SkyControl dependency version again. :rofl:

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