Project's template (without SDK)

You are hilarious… for one thing we are talking about users who would prefer to point-and-click.

So let me fix yours…

with git(4)

download git
install git
magic git command cut and pasted from somewhere with something I have to edit
cd myproject
rm -Rf .git
./gradlew run

With download

magic curl command (or use the GUI)
unzip -e -d myproject (or use the GUI)
cd myproject

Screw it… anyway… you are changing while I’m typing. There is a fundamental disconnect with this conversation so I’m kind of done with this circular arguments that IGNORE THE ENTIRE POINT.

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Everyone is free to propose solution and to implement it.

We do not agree about the cost of installing git vs something else (curl,…).
Using the browser doesn’t require installation.

Anyways, as I said no need to fight/troll : we support both flow :slight_smile: and that is the good point.

Yes, but the point you completely miss 100000% of the time is that I am talking about users who are afraid of the command line. The users who have git installed already are not afraid of the command line. Any solution we put out is fine.

We’re talking about users who are lost without the SDK. They need “download this” “do this” “import it into your IDE like this.” Three steps max.

A zip file could do that. So arguing that git clone is better than a zip file continues to miss the point.

Yes, it’s fine for some users… then say that. Stop suggesting that it is better than a zip file for users who would rather shoot their own mother then open up cmd.exe. It’s dumb.

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Which reminds me of the fact that some’s didn’t have a JRE/JDK installed at all.
However what about something like a few Screenshots on how to simple add jar dependencies to IDE X (and then simply download the jme-core.jar etc)


Yeah, this is absolutely needed (certainly in the short term if nothing else). Hopefully a nice monkey will do this.

I cannot find it in my heart to open the SDK again. I’m still recovering from my PTSD. :slight_smile:

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I didn’t miss this point. my args git vs other custom tool. I’m fine with download zip.

My battle is to fight/ to educate about the wrong fear of the command line.



“Look guys… there is nothing to fear from the command line!!!”

“All you have to do is type: farbledar foobity -s 16 sws foo”

“What’s so scary about that?!?” :smile:


Though you could state that there are 12114762478623843487231 Tutorials on “how to add .jar Library to IDE XYZ”

And yeah, tbh. the command line doesn’t hurt anyone (apart from the first two times you had a space char in rm -rf / Downloads)

Had a friend who had some file generated into his root directory that started with a #. He tried to remove it and wondered why it was taking so long…

Last week I managed to create a file named “*”… don’t ask how… it was in my user folder on osx (where I have pretty much everything)
When I tried to delete it I typed “rm *”, and just before hitting enter…it clicked…


read mail - real fast?

The thing is, as I was noticing it, it already had deleted stuff from /bin, so I was missing all bash/busybox stuff leading to an unusuable system :smiley:
I am curious why that didn’t happen more often to me.
Well I learnt to use TAB for everything

The dangers of always running as root. :smile:

I finally learned on my Linux boxes… that even I cannot be trusted with root access without sudo.

I was playing around and came up with kind of an interesting and clean way to handle the assets.jar…

Treat it like a build-file’less subproject.

See here:

Edit: side-benefit… your assets can depend on other assets in maven repos and such.


Super-like it. It probably also solves my problem, where I want a shader to be part of a library instead of being bundled with the game.

This is effectively how we do it. Although we put the asset folders inside the src/main/resources folder which means that when the build runs it automatically adds them to tower-assets.jar in this case.

We build using Maven though but the principle is the same.

Similar…except I kept the exact same structure as a regular JME build. There are no extra project files. No extra directories… and you still get an assets.jar in the end. (Which you can easily rename in the main build file.)

I don’t think it can be done with maven. It is intentionally not as flexible.

You can just set the src dir in the Maven build file as well as the name of the output file without use of additional plugins. Of course you’d need the pom.xml for that module but oh well.