(September 2018) Monthly WIP & Screenshot Thread

Now that you mention it I’m getting that vibe when i look back at the gif as well.

I think her jump should be a little bit lower and slower :laughing:

part customization


MySummerRailToyCar :grin: :+1:

simple “exploder” interface, mouse over to highlight component, click to split apart from parent

These parts can be changed / replaced / upgraded.

source video (same thing, only slower and sharper)


Started working on some soundtrack stuff for my game! (It’s a single player medieval/fantasy rpg)

send me a message if you want to use it for your project :smiley:


Sounds great, gives me a bit of a RuneScape vibe :slight_smile:


Thats funny, I’m a huge runescape nerd, I still play once a month or so on the osrs servers :slight_smile:


Looks like you know a thing or two about what you’re doing then!


Great work, it really has that sweet runescape vibe (especially the chorus :wink: )

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Not a JME game but something I poke at here and there.

I got the idea after watching a Numberphile video on a graph problem… working it over in my head, simplifying it, trying to figure out how to generate solvable graphs, etc…

So I coded it up in libgdx just to see if anything happened:

It’s barely playable. Stand-in graphics, no menu, no animation… and it just plops you right into the next level when you finish one. But it lets me try level layouts and see what’s what.

To play, click a node to transfer points to all of the neighbors or suck points from all of the neighbors depending on whether it’s positive or negative (0 is positive for the sake of this determination). The object is to get everything to 0… and to do it in par or fewer moves.

I don’t know if it amounts to anything but every time I push it along a little bit, it feels better… so who knows?

Edit: a screen shot of one of the more interesting levels:


Doing a bit of beautification, primarily on the terrain shader. Flowers, trees, rocks, etc… all need to be put back to create a nice little atmosphere.


The water looks great. Is that SkyControl in the background?

Nah, I spent about a month writing a weather system from scratch. I just like to know how things work, I guess…


Which video did you see? I think I’ve seen the same one I just can’t place it.

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Edit: I use a different rule and generate my graph values so they are always solvable.

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these transitions, from grass to rock, look odd: too sharp or too dark or something, I can’t place it.

are you using Gamma Correction ?

I don’t know if he based it on my triplaner code or not but there was specifically an edging algorithm built in to keep from having the lame ‘grass fades to rock’ BS of so many terrain shaders.

Only in my case, I used dirt as the transition texture, I think. I’d have to look.

It samples a noise texture fractally to generate a random border.

I uploaded a newer version of the balance game… basically just with better graphics.

Looks like this now:

…a little more abstract and partially animated. I still need to add the particle effects for transitions and then it’s pretty close to what I originally imagined.

Edit: runnable jar link: http://simsilica.com/Downloads/balance-desktop-1.0.jar

Edit 2: if you download it again then there are transition animations now.


Materials is taking a really long time…