Learning jME3 History

I planned to write a jME3 tutorial in Chinese, at the very first chapter I’d like to introduce the history about this great engine.So I searched both on google and this forum.

I have read all the thread bellow, do you have any additional articles for me?

About the engine

Why the name is monkey?

Thread: Whe engine is named jMonkey?

Official website


An advertisement?


History of jMonekeyEngine

wiki tells a lot about how it comes from JME 0.1 to 2.0, then to JME3.

History of jME1 and jME2

@mojomonk tells some details before 2005, but I can’t open the link he provided in this thread.
Thread: need some history information

History of jMonkeyEngine 3

And shall we call it jME, JME, or …?

Reading thread makes me LOL :laughing: .
GameEngine jME = Momoko.createJMonkeyEngine(RenderSystem.LWJGL);
Thread: jME, JME, or…?

What’s the difference about jME2 and jME3?

Thread: comparison between jme2 and jme3

Clearer separation of jme2 vs jme3

The releases of jME3

I must have missed a lot of history in this part…:sweat_smile:

Such as when 3.0-stable released.
The thread people talk about we need a 3.1.0-stable. Thread: What needs to be done to get jME3.1 final out?

  • April 1, 2009
    Kirill Vainer “shadowislord” (aka @Momoko_Fan) starts a new branch in the official jMonkeyEngine repository and commits the first publicly available code for jMonkeyEngine 3.0. Soon after, the branch was renamed to reflect its “test” status.
    Thread: jme-project

  • Match, 2009
    Thread: jME3 SDK first alpha release

  • June 24, 2009
    The project sees a new beginning in the official jMonkeyEngine 3.0 branch, initially designed and developed solely by Kirill Vainer. Management responsibilities are picked up by Erlend Sogge Heggen, shortly later accompanied by Skye Book.
    Thread: Approved New branch in code and management

  • May 17, 2010
    The first Alpha of jMonkeyEngine 3 is released. The same date marked the first Alpha release of the jMonkeyEngine SDK, only a few months after the first planning stages. The “jMonkeyEngine SDK” has since become the default product download recommended to all jME3 developers.

  • September 7, 2010
    The jMonkeyEngine website was completely re-designed. A new domain, jmonkeyengine.org, is dedicated to all project and community activities. The old jmonkeyengine.com is re-purposed as a product promotion site.

  • October 22, 2011
    jMonkeyEngine 3 SDK Beta is released. Stable update track is introduced as an alternative to downloading bleeding edge nightly builds.Oct, 2011. The SDK beta release

  • Sep, 2013
    The SDK 3.0 release

  • February 15, 2014
    jMonkeyEngine 3 SDK Stable is released. In spite of being technically stable for a long time, the official 3.0 SDK release was delayed until February 2014.

  • March 21, 2014
    The source move to github and gradle.Thread: Move to github and gradle

  • 18 Aug 2015
    jME3.1-alpha1 release

  • 29 Feb 2016
    jME3.1-alpha2 release

  • 14 Mar 2016
    jME3.1-alpha3 release
    SDK was moved to its own project

  • 28 Mar 2016
    jME3.1-alpha4 release

  • April 1, 2016
    The engine renamed jPonyEngine. Thread: Introduce our new name: jPonyEngine
    Sadly, jPonyEngine’s life is only one day.

  • 11 Apr 2016
    jME3.1-alpha5 release

  • 25 Apr 2016
    jME3.1-beta1 release

  • 22 Nov 2016
    jME3.1-beta2 release

  • 29 Jan 2017
    jME3.1-beta3 release

  • 11 Feb 2017
    jME3.1-beta4 release

  • 13 Feb 2017
    jME3.1-stable release
    jME3-3.1.0-stable released

  • Feb 20, 2017.
    The SDK 3.1 released.

  • March 22, 2017.
    The SDK 3.2.0 Preview released

jMonkeyEngine 3.2.0

In one word, PBR.

  • Physically Based Rendering material
  • Light Probes
  • Material Param override (global, scene graph material parameters)
  • glTF2.0 importer
  • jme3 VR support
  • App Profiler
  • tons of bug fixes


SDK Version Naming

From this release on we have changed our naming scheme to be more obvious. The reason is that the old scheme wasn’t made for releasing multiple sdk versions for the same engine version, slowing down sdk release cycles.

v3.2-beta1-sdk10 would mean Engine Version v3.2-beta1 and the 10th sdk build thereof. Each Release will have the -sdk appendix and the first build will always be sdk1 so no sdk or sdk0.

We dropped the appendixes -SNAPSHOT and -FINAL though since technically most of the time final was just the latest snapshot.

There are no release notes yet but this version comes with all the new features the engine introduces in 3.2 like the App Profiler and PBR.

Along with that there were many bugfixes in the SDK.



Still doing research on the history of

  • the website
  • The domain ( .com and .org). maybe jmecn.net?
  • The wiki
  • The blog
  • The homepage
  • the contribution ( what was created by who ).
  • AI
  • Cube
  • Lemur / Zay-ES / …


Thanks all the monkeys to bring this engine to us!!!
I appreciate your work so much!!


However a wild monkey appeared to simply Support the sdk unofficially which evolved to the “sdk team” so it’s just not core, I’d say.
No matter how exactly you regard it personally I will fight for the sdk, no matter how many prefer the swagness of intelliJ.
So the sdk is neither unsupported nor dead.

It is just a “independent module” which can be behind the engine (we only got 3.2 yesterday)

1 Like

Yep. We’ve just decoupled the releases as you said. And I think that has worked out well so far and probably improved both to some degree.

It’s a good news to me. I have waiting long for a new sdk release.

Then you havent checked github? :wink:

No, I havent checkout sdk for a month.

Glad to see that.
jMonkeyEngine SDK 3.2.0 Preview!

Ah! That long time was a month for you, I thought you are still on 3.0 :smiley:

Seems I should really Annonce that sdk on the hub

Also this one

This one is good. I have read it last year, but forget the title of this thread.

Hi Yan,

Sorry I don’t have any more articles. If you have specific questions about
things from the 1.0 or 2.0 days, or the fork called Ardor3D, I can probably
answer those.


– Josh (Renanse) Slack


How kind of you!

  • I really curious about the history of JME1.0 and 2.0.
  • I can see both jme3-jogl and jme3-lwjgl today, which one is first used in jME, JOGL or LWJGL?
  • Why the project Ardor3D started?
  • Why it’s abandend?
  • Is the JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation still active?
    Yes, the source is last modified at 20 Sep 2016.

I’m now reading this:

See what I found!

I found a thread about NCsoft!

Moveing and new job Monjmonk was hired by NCsoft

Wait… someone mentioned the Guild War??
Satus and NCsoft

NCsoft looking for engineers 9 years ago.

Is NCsoft a fun place to work?

What games did NCsoft made with jME?

No, nothing really, the project was cancelled, as I read about it…

Java MMO client using jMonkeyEngine and Guild War Server

jME ad NCsoft

What is the situation with jME and NCsoft?

Ruth’s Book may have some stuff about the history of jME, not sure.

Thank you, I will take a look again.

Now I’m wondering when we had the mascot called Jaime?
Who made the model?
Who paint the logo?
Who give it the name?

@Nehon made the model

For non native English speakers… Jaime == ‘J’ ‘M’ ‘E’


cool heh ?

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:chimpanzee_google:I just find the blender file of Jaime on GoogleCode.

I want to find out all the dates when each version was released, but it seems that we lost all the commit history on google.

I only find these thing on google.

  • Jan 24, 2009 jME 2.0 stable
  • Sep 9, 2009 jME 2.0.1 stable
  • Jan 28, 2011 jME 2.1 FINAL

Now I trying another way. As people setup jME with CVS in those days, I’ll search about keyword “CVS” in forum. Wish to find something interesting.

I really enjoy in this video.

Here I have wrote something about jME3’s history in Chinese.

Still I have some questions:
#1 I can’t find the history about jME1 to jME2 during 2005 and 2008, what happend then?
#2 The release history of jME3 from 3.0.0 to 3.0.10 is missing.

It’s hard to imagine that this engine is almost as old as me.

1 Like

I have been working on some of the SDK stuff but cant find anything on this to update the links,

Cant find this discussion on forum or web cached,
link:http://www.jmonkeyengine.com/forum/index.php?topic=13070.0[discussion with Normen Hansen].

Edit: Found this but its useless,
For some time, the project was referred to merely as the "link:https://blogs.oracle.com/geertjan/youtube-movie-of-jmonkeyengine-on-netbeans-platform[Game Development Environment], or “GDE” for short.

Cant find this on forums or cached,

I was going to just remove the links and make it like so but figured Id give the forum users a chance to give input first on improving it or supplying links.

The jMonkeyEngine SDK first set root during a discussion with Normen Hansen. Although similar projects existed previously, this was the first serious attempt that had the original core team’s blessing. For some time, the project was referred to merely as the "Game Development Environment, or “GDE” for short. During alpha, we referred to it as jMonkeyPlatform, and for beta it was eventually renamed to the jMonkeyEngine SDK.

Edit: Found the Gert oracle blog but there is no video. Is this the video?